Creating your interior design portfolio can be a lot of pressure, especially if you are newly graduated and are in search of a career within the industry. Here are the best tips that can help you how get started on building your own interior design style & create a successful portfolio and get your work to be noticed by an employer.
How to Create an Interior Design Portfolio?
Include a Variety of Work
It is important to show off the many different approaches and processes you use while designing your work. Whether you have hand drawings or more software-based visuals, it is useful for employers to see that you can be flexible and more adaptable.
Therefore, you will be seen as more employable. Make sure to include work from any educational courses you have taken part in as well as work you may have developed in your own time. Drawing is an important skill to maintain and keep practicing in order to improve. For more help on developing hand-drawn visuals, check out a guide to get you more comfortable with drawing in perspective.
Building a Personal Brand
A great way to get your portfolio looking better and more coordinated is by setting up a personal branding package. This can include colors, forms, and layouts that can run consistently within your portfolio. Setting up a document or a folder with all these elements in, will help to keep you organized and will be easily accessible for adding to your final portfolio template. Create a logo and name to develop your brand further.
This will make your portfolio is more unique and consistent. Have a look at starting to create a logo online and begin experimenting with different ways to help capture what your style is.
Knowledge of Context on Interior Design Portfolio
Alongside your work, include annotation explaining more about how the spaces you design can be used and why. This gives your employer a better understanding of what kind of projects you work on and informs them of your creativity. Learn about experience design to get a better idea of what to include when talking about your work.
Experience design is focused around human-centered thinking. This is based on people’s needs and what they want from the space. This will help give our work more justification and will add more purpose.
Show a Range of Design Skills
Having a good eye for layout and how to illustrate. This with bold graphics will allow your portfolio to be more punchy and appealing to look at. Depending on what design role you are applying for, you can tailor your work more to the employer. So this has more relevance to them and their company. It also shows that you have used initiative in researching more into their style of work. What their expectations are.
Finally, make sure your portfolio shows a wide range of qualities and conveys what your personal interests are. Having a bold, well-established brand will help the employer understand your style more. In addition, allow your portfolio to become more developed and individual to you.