Technology development has spared no area of life, including education. A famous writer, Michael Fullan, claims that ‘in the teaching process, pedagogy is the driver and technology is the accelerator,’ and it’s hard to argue. From chalky blackboards and TVs to smartboards and interactive whiteboards, from heavy books to the whole library on a tablet, from buzzing tape recorders to a nifty stereo system. This list of positive transformations in education can go on and on. This article will explore 5 of the most exciting EdTech (education technology) trends in 2024.
Nowadays, kids can’t say that the list of grades got lost as the system tracks every student’s academic performance. Teachers have no hassle dealing with physical grade records, and parents always have access to their kid’s performance. But it doesn’t mean that technical progress only plays into the hands of the education system and controlling parents.
Students reap the benefits as much as the others: numerous apps, tutorials, guides, websites, and custom essay writing services ― these perks considerably facilitate learning and homework preparation. These are well-known things that cannot be considered innovative, but educational technologies have a lot of other exciting trends. Read on to find out more about exciting EdTech trends.
Enhancing Distance Learning Education Technology Trends
It is not new, but it has recently become more urgent than ever. The world is adapting to a new way of living, and so is education. That’s why remote learning tops the trends. Academic institutions resort to different study formats: real-time form when teachers enter the system with students and conduct classes and recorded form when students need to work on ready-made lectures and complete related tasks.
Apart from schools and colleges, numerous learning platforms support remote education, offering discounts for online courses or making them completely free. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are geared up to be a supplementary activity for those who are already enrolled at academic institutions and those who want to master new skills.
Some universities closely cooperate with online platforms so that courses from top colleges and companies are available on Coursera and EdX and remain a sought-after type of distance learning among users with education technology EdTech trends.
Integrating 3D Printing in the Learning Process
3D printing is an exciting thing itself and concurrently a great learning tool. If it’s hard for you to imagine the application of this technology to school subjects, you’ll be surprised to find out that students already build molecule models for chemistry classes, learn anatomy with the help of models of organs, bone structure, and other biological artifacts, create decorations for school events, and even recreate the dinosaur skeletons.
Implementing 3D printing in the education process makes learning more engaging and illustrative. Besides boosting computational skills, students develop imagination problem-solving skills, and work with cutting-edge technologies. As a result, it is an excellent EdTech tool.
Implementation of AI Technologies for Personalized Learning
For you to understand how it works, think of personalized recommendations and selections that YouTube Music offers to listen to and Netflix suggests to watch. The idea is to recommend content that the user finds exciting and tasty. And the same method is applied in education technology trends, too.
The traditional education system cannot provide a one-size-fits-all approach to meet every student’s needs and peculiarities. Individual tutoring is more effective in this case but can’t replace group learning as a student lacks social interaction with classmates. Classes cannot have fewer students and more teachers to reach a more robust personal approach.
The solution is to make education more student-friendly by integrating personalized learning with the help of AI technologies. An AI-powered app estimates each student’s strong and weak points to optimize assignments and offers relevant sources to clarify complicated issues.
This student-focused and teacher-helping technology is still under development, but some academic institutions already use its versions. For example, Carnegie Mellon University applies a math learning software based on AI that provides personalized tutoring for math learners.
EdTech Trends: VR Technologies in Education: Learning by Experiencing
It’s easier to learn and memorize something not by reading about it but by experiencing things as if they happened in practice. However, VR technologies are not shared yet. We can’t understand the impacts.
Some academic institutions start to integrate VR into the training process gradually. For instance, last year, students from Harvard University explored the Giza pyramids in collaboration with Zhejiang University using VR software. Staying in their classrooms and using VR headsets, participants inspected ancient hieroglyphs in northern Africa.
Apart from learning ancient civilizations’ ways of living, students can immerse themselves in the underwater world and navigate through space. Explore anatomy to the most minor details from the inside.
The fantastic thing is that this is as much entertainment as a great way to learn. The implementation of these technologies is still in its inception stage. But, as experience shows, VR opens new learning opportunities, makes it more available for students with physical disabilities, and contributes to improving education quality.
Digital Curriculum for Multi-Device Society
Long gone are the days when the learning tools by books and films on tiny-screened TVs. As devices became an integral part of everyday life rather than luxury items. Implementing them in the study process brings numerous benefits and places a digital curriculum among other exciting EdTech trends.
Currently, the digital curriculum involves using oldie-but-goldie PowerPoint presentations and enhancing the curriculum by applying practical tools such as Google Classrooms. A digital smartboard facilitates interactive activities, screen sharing, and multi-device integration. In such a format, tests and quizzes are better.
Closing About EdTech Trends Thoughts
Technology and learning go shoulder to shoulder, significantly improving the education system. It enables teachers to prioritize their responsibilities, simplify class management, and conduct exciting and interactive lessons. Students, for their part, have unlimited access to learning sources and material. Great apps and websites that make test preparation easier.
Modern exciting EdTech trends include truly exciting things that are not yet common for all academic institutions. However, the successful maintenance of these trends. In some schools and universities, it means that they will soon adopt in other places of study. By integrating new technologies in learning. We pave the way to new opportunities to explore the world. Absorb knowledge and develop valuable skills for life in a high-tech future.