7 Benefits Of Using Online Sharing Platforms

Online sharing is an essential component in promoting communication. In this article, you'll see 7 benefits of using online sharing platforms

By Claudio Pires
Updated on October 29, 2024
7 Benefits Of Using Online Sharing Platforms

Without proper collaboration and teamwork, an organization will not succeed. Moreover, without the means to share and update files, a business won’t be able to perform its tasks more efficiently. Online sharing is an essential component in promoting communication and collaboration in every setting. Missed deadlines, project snags, miscommunication, and overall inefficient workplace processes are typically a result of these shortcomings. In this article, you’ll see seven benefits of using online sharing platforms.

A crucial business component, file-sharing was once a very laborious, time-consuming, and costly process, not to mention damaging to the environment. Almost everything was done in print. Thus, the traditional way of sharing files required printers, expensive inks, stacks of paper, folders, envelopes, the use of computers, and often, courier services.

With the advent of online sharing platforms, file sharing has become more accessible and produces less environmental and digital footprint. Read on to find out about the additional advantages of using a digital file sharing platform.

1 Increases Productivity Benefits Of Using Online Sharing Platforms

When you’re relying on traditional ways to share files, you’re up for a lot of frustration. You’ll have to wait until the file is printed, sent to the first-level reviewer, then forwarded to the next level for another round of inspection. Editing will take hours, especially if the report requires multi-level reviews.

With online sharing platforms, editors and reviewers can have simultaneous access and can work on the document in question as soon as possible. This leaves the staff ready to move on to other tasks, saving time and increasing productivity.

2 Promotes Seamless Collaboration

Cloud storage solutions can also result in smooth communication and collaboration between and among staff members and departments. No matter where an employee is, access is possible as long as there’s an Internet connection.

This is crucial, mainly when there’s more than one department involved. For instance, the logistics department may face problems on the road. When timely information is passed on to the operations department, it can then relay the issue to management, who’ll ultimately decide on how to proceed. This makes problem-solving and communication easier for everybody, whether in the office or on the field.

Online file sharing platforms break down the physical and geographical restrictions that hold back timely and seamless collaboration, allowing offsite and remote staff to work as if they’re physically present in the office.

3 Saves Time Benefits Of Using Online Sharing Platforms

In the past, sending large files was a nightmare. A sender has to save the file on a disc or a universal serial bus (USB) and give it to the recipient. This process sometimes took days, depending on the latter’s location, as a courier’s intervention may be necessary.

With online sharing platforms, you don’t have to wait for a colleague to print and share files with you. You can share, receive and access files almost simultaneously, cutting waiting times dramatically.

4 Cuts Costs

Eliminating the need for various information technology (IT) storage tools, such as dedicated servers, external and internal hard discs, USB, among others, make online file-sharing cost-effective.

Plus, you don’t have to spend too much in order to access cloud storage solutions. There’s one for every business need, so your enterprise can focus on other more revenue-generating tasks. In addition, using digital file-sharing apps require minimal bandwidth, allowing users to save on operational costs, too.

5 Promotes Project Management Efficiency

All projects require collaboration at varying levels. Nevertheless, the use of online file-sharing platforms is essential for better project management. This is the reason why most, if not, all project management apps integrate file-sharing as a vital function.

With all files, including progress reports, in one place, project management is less of a hassle. If you’re a manager, a few clicks will take you to updated reports, progress, and challenges. This way, you’ll be able to assess whether everything is going well and in which areas your team needs improvement or assistance. As you can communicate with your team efficiently, you’ll be able to meet deadlines and correct any issues before it blows out of proportion.

6 Allows Flexible Access

The digital age has allowed organizations to function beyond traditional office settings, and remote workers are changing the way business is run. File accessibility that’s not restricted to in-office settings means more employees can collaborate round-the-clock. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have your work computer with you. Why wait until you reach the office? As you long you have an electronic device, Internet access, and time in your hands, you can get work.

With digital documents management, an employee can work anywhere in the world, crossing borders and beyond time zones.

7 Enhances File Security

Security breaches are every organization’s nightmare. While it can happen online and offline, file safety issues are more controlled in a digital environment. With managed access and secure storage offered by these sharing platforms, there are fewer chances that a careless or disgruntled employee is able to share sensitive files with malicious individuals or fraudsters.

Not all online sharing platforms offer the same level of safety, though, so choose the one that provides the highest level of security. If you find them useful, consider choosing apps that offer additional functions, such as delete files restoration and automatic data removing from a device that’s either lost.

Benefits Of Using Online Sharing Platforms Conclusion

Online file sharing platforms offer a host of benefits, including enhanced productivity, collaboration, and efficiency, at reduced costs. In addition, an online document management app can custom on your business needs. Always compare all available platforms in order to come up with smart decisions pertaining to your business.

Claudio Pires

Claudio Pires is the co-founder of Visualmodo, a renowned company in web development and design. With over 15 years of experience, Claudio has honed his skills in content creation, web development support, and senior web designer. A trilingual expert fluent in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, he brings a global perspective to his work. Beyond his professional endeavors, Claudio is an active YouTuber, sharing his insights and expertise with a broader audience. Based in Brazil, Claudio continues to push the boundaries of web design and digital content, making him a pivotal figure in the industry.