7 Steps to Creating Facebook and Instagram Video Ads that Sell

Explore the way of creating Facebook & Instagram video ads that generate results in steps, make high converting advertisements in social media

By Claudio Pires
Updated on July 5, 2023
7 Steps to Creating Facebook and Instagram Video Ads that Sell

In this article, we’ll explore the way of creating Facebook and Instagram video ads that generate results in 7 steps, and make high converting advertisements in social media.

As with anything, proper preparation prevents poor performance so having a script acts not only as a plan but a point of focus when it comes to filming. It’s the equivalent of having the right equipment when filming eye-catching creative.

Before you can even begin writing your ad, however, research is essential. Having an understanding of who your current customer is and why they buy can make the world of difference when coming to formulating an idea for an ad and then writing a script.

There are specific psychological factors that need to be recognized when thinking about your current audience to make high converting video ads.

Creating Facebook and Instagram Video Ads

Step 1: research – why are your customers buying?

A good starting point when thinking about your customer is the biggest problems they may face. Why exactly are they buying your product?

For businesses who sell practical goods, the answer may be quite simple! Maybe you faced a specific problem yourself and used that as inspiration for your business. Even when this is the case, you need to think back to how life was before you had this product, you have been burdened with the curse of knowledge.

Fear not, cast your mind back and relive the problem your customer’s faces. If what you are selling is not necessarily a problem-solver, think about why someone buys your product. It could be a sense of desire or aspiration or a genuine love of your product or brand.

In some cases, it may even be what your product can provide after use, like will your product save them time? Whatever it may be, this should be addressed early on in your ad. So, explore the way of creating Facebook and Instagram video ads that generate results in 7 steps, and make high converting advertisements in social media.

Step 2: research – what is the catalyst for purchase?

Next up is knowing the catalyst for existing customers to have bought. Think about whether or not customers would have wanted your product or service if they hadn’t known of its existence previously.

This may even beg the question about whether or not they were aware of the problem your product or service solved. If not, working both the problem and solution into your video ad early on is pivotal.

Addressing both the problem and its solution can instigate the tipping point, ‘lightbulb’ moment in potential customers. Think about what has had that effect on you in the past, what sold YOU on your product or others? Putting yourselves in the shoes of your customers is a key aspect of the research stage.

Step 3: research – knowing your competitors

The final part of the research stage is identifying competitors in your industry. How is what they offering different to your product? Why is your product better than theirs?

Having answers to these questions is an alternative selling point to be included in your ad. explore the way of creating Facebook and Instagram video ads that generate results in 7 steps, and make high converting advertisements in social media.

If it’s not a case of the product itself being different, there might be an aspect to your service that is superior. You might offer free delivery and returns, maybe a discount for first-time orders. The list of potential differences and improvements is endless, it’s all about identifying this and making it obvious for everyone in your ad.

Once you are confident you have conducted the research you need, the time has come to write your video ad!

Step 4: writing – the hook

As already discussed, being able to solve your customer’s problem while making them abundantly aware of it is how your ad is going to sell. Before this though, you need to grab the limited attention of your audience immediately.

If you do not hook them right away, they won’t watch the rest of your ad. Simple. This is a waste of any resources you may have dedicated to the video, so make it count! Two key elements of hooking your audience are making the opening of your ad surprising but at the same time giving them an itch to scratch.

You need to be able to encourage them to stay and see what the resolution to this may be. There is no one right answer to a great hook, so write multiple hooks to be tested. Having more than one hook to fall back on will also give your ad a longer lifespan.

Step 5: writing – problem, and solution

Next up is the problem and solution section of your ad. You know why you need to address these, but there is a science to their execution.

For example, the problem needs to make specific and personal. You need your audience to feel the pain, which can often require diving a little deeper into why they should buy your product. It may even be a case of discussing past, failed solutions they may have tried already. Using personal pronouns makes this real for the viewer, it both involves them in the ad and directs the problem to them.

An aspect of relatability could be the make or break factor for the success of your ads. This is also the section of an ad that should be made funny, further adding to the relatability but also increasing the likelihood of them watching the whole ad. It is also worth making the problem segment as short as possible, so you can get to your product as soon as possible.

The solution for Facebook and Instagram video ads

When approaching the solution to your problem, it is important that it is stated as quickly and as concisely as possible. Once this has been done verbally, it is important to visually show your audience your product solving the problem. If you can use a test to demonstrate this then this is worth doing, a quantifiable claim that others can try is imperative.

A flash of both your product and your brand logo is also a great way of providing watchers with a visual example. Further to this, refer to your product by using the product name rather than pronouns, save those for your audience!

Finally, another key aspect to the solution is not only what it does and how it does it, but the meaning of your product. This is a great way of further relating to your audience by striking an emotional chord. Check the way of creating Facebook and Instagram video ads that generate results in 7 steps, and make high converting advertisements on social media.

Step 6: writing – call-to-action 1

You’re now well and truly in the thick of your ad, so after explaining the problem and solving it you can encourage viewers to take action! You should want to get to the CTA as soon as possible, if they have stuck around to watch this far in then it is likely they want to know where or how they can buy. If this is the case, make the call-to-action as simple as possible. Where and how can they buy your product or service?

Provide clear and engaging instructions. Think about how you can show them where they press the button for example. If they need to swipe up – tell them to do so! Following on from the CTA should be some sense of credibility for those who are perhaps still unsure, think back to what makes your product or service better.

Can you provide a free trial, customer testimonials or possibly even some impressive stats that distinguish you from competitors? This feeling of reliability should resolve any possible doubts viewers may have.

Step 7: writing – call-to-action 2, close the sale

Towards the backend of the ad itself is your final opportunity to close the sale. If viewers have stuck with you for this long, make it worth both your time!

Hit them with a final CTA. Reminding them again how they can buy your product. A service in a dummy-proof way and why they need to do it right away.

Make it a no-brainer situation for the viewer. When your ad is finishing up you need to give the audience time to complete the second CTA. Having a nice line to conclude the ad can draw focus back to your product. Be the final way to reaffirm why someone needs to purchase your product or service.

Facebook and Instagram Video Ads Conclusion

We hope you find this guide on creating Facebook and Instagram video ads useful; it may not be the case that this works for every business. So find what works for you and stick to that winning formula. In conclusion, have a checklist of what works and what you need your video ad to accomplish. Once you have this you can rinse and repeat every time.

Claudio Pires

Claudio Pires is the co-founder of Visualmodo, a renowned company in web development and design. With over 15 years of experience, Claudio has honed his skills in content creation, web development support, and senior web designer. A trilingual expert fluent in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, he brings a global perspective to his work. Beyond his professional endeavors, Claudio is an active YouTuber, sharing his insights and expertise with a broader audience. Based in Brazil, Claudio continues to push the boundaries of web design and digital content, making him a pivotal figure in the industry.