Best WordPress Review Plugins

Looking to add reviews to your site shop, products, or blog posts? You came to the right place. We listed the best WordPress review plugins

By Claudio Pires
Updated on August 27, 2022
Best WordPress Review Plugins

If you’re looking to add reviews to your site shop, products, or even blog posts, you came to the right place. We listed the best WordPress review plugins for your use.

From product to films to restaurant reviews, the internet has given everyone a voice to share their opinions on anything. This has made reviews an essential part of modern life, with an abundance available online. With so many reviews just a mouse click away, most of us read them before making any purchase decision. 90% of us trust online reviews more than personal recommendations in the offline world.

With such credence now given to online reviews, there’s a lot of money to be made from them. So it’s no surprise that many dedicated websites have cropped up over the years. From big-name sites such as Rotten Tomatoes or TripAdvisor to niche affiliate websites.

Just look at the Amazon boom, which has a lot to thank for the successful integration of star customer reviews.

As long as there are products in your niche, you have the opportunity to write reviews. This makes them ideal for bloggers, who can turn to reviews when stuck for post ideas. For those of you running a blog and providing genuinely helpful content. So, you’ll want to make sure your thoughts look nice. For this, you’ll need dedicated functionality.

As you may have guessed, that’s the purpose of this post. I’ll share five of the best WordPress review plugins you can use to add beautiful reviews to your website. Enjoy! All the plugins below work great and are fully compatible with our Visualmodo WordPress themes.

Best WordPress Review Plugins

WordPress Review Plugin: The Ultimate Solution for Building a Review Website

WordPress Review Plugin The Ultimate Solution for Building a Review Website

Is your website running on WordPress? Does it contain reviews of products, services, or other content? At MyThemeShop. We know how important it is to have interactive smart reviews on your website using ratings. In addition, structured data, shortcodes, user reviews, and affiliate buttons.

With this in mind, we’ve created a WordPress review plugin that includes all the advanced features you need to run a full-fledged review site. The WP Review plugin provides an all-inclusive solution to creating a complete review website. In any niche without design or technical skills.

It helps you create high-converting, informative reviews that help potential customers make purchasing decisions. It boosts your SEO efforts by adding 19 different schema types. Schema makes it easier for search engines to analyze and interpret web pages to return informative results to users. Interactive reviews will help increase conversions to your website. Download now

WP Review Pro ($39)

Best WordPress Review Plugins
Best WordPress Review Plugins

I’ll kick things off with one of the top-rated review plugins: WP Review Pro. This plugin is available from MyThemeShop for just $29, with the price including round-the-clock support for one year.

The reviews look clean and professional, with eye-catching CSS animations commanding immediate attention from your audience.

These reviews are fully customizable, too, with WP Review Pro offering complete control of your color scheme (unlimited colors), review box size, and a number of criteria. You can display your reviews in a fixed position on the page, or, if you’d prefer more flexibility, you can place them as and when required using a shortcode.

WP Review Pro also offers four review systems: star (/5), points (/10), circles (/100), or percentages (/100, of course!). The overall rating can be placed on your post thumbnails, so visitors can easily find the best-rated items. The plugin also ships with a tabbed review widget to further improve navigation.

Readers can also cast their opinion with a single-click rating, with these user reviews displayed at the bottom of the review box. Or, if readers prefer to share their thoughts in more detail, they can leave their review and rating via the comments at the bottom of the post.


Now on to rich snippets. As you’re probably aware, rich snippets are the extra bits of information displayed in the SERPs — there is even a dedicated review-rich snippet. WP Review Pro automatically adds the relevant markup that powers rich snippets, meaning your review post will look something like this in the SERPS:

This extra information helps search engine users find relevant content and is proven to boost CTR — good news for your SEO strategy. And, to further enhance your SEO performance, the plugin is speed optimized, so it runs lightning fast. WP Review Pro is also fully compatible with caching plugins for further speed improvements.

For those looking to try it before you buy, a free version of the plugin is available, though with restricted features.

 Taqyeem – WordPress Review Plugin ($29)

Taqyeem - WordPress Review Plugin
Best WordPress Review Plugins

Next up is, in my opinion, the coolest of the review plugins, Taqyeem. You can pick it up for just $17 from CodeCanyon — a price that includes six months’ support.

I’m a big fan of the plugin’s sleek design, with a dark and light theme available. Both themes can be fully customized with a choice of unlimited colors (get the right combination, and these review boxes look gorgeous). You can also customize the typography from a selection of 600-plus Google fonts, and the summary boxes come in two sizes: full and half-width.

Taqyeem also offers a choice of three review systems: stars, percentages, and points. It also supports unlimited custom criteria, and readers are free to leave user ratings.

Meta box

You can turn any post, page, or custom post type into a review by activating Taqyeem from a meta box below the text editor. All settings are controlled from within this meta box, and the study can be positioned at the top or bottom of the screen or in a custom position by copying and pasting a shortcode. Thoughts are easy to configure, and it should take no more than a minute or two.

The plugin offers additional review functionality in the form of three dedicated widgets: best, recent, and random reviews, and it also adds the relevant schema markup that populates rich snippets.

If you want even more premium functionality, the Taqyeem developers have released two extensions:

  • Taqyeem Buttons Addon ($6) – add buttons to your review box with unlimited colors and nearly 500 icons. You can point the control at your preferred URL, making it an easy way to add affiliate links.
  • Taqyeem Predefined Criteria Addon ($7) – if you regularly use the same criteria set for your reviews, this extension allows you to reuse them and save time.

Widgets for Google Reviews

Widgets for Google Reviews

Display your Google reviews for free in 2 minutes with our responsive widget. The plugin displays your Google reviews in unique pre-built widgets. You can easily create and display your devices and filter your thoughts to build customer trust and improve SEO.

The Google Reviews WordPress plugin allows you to display customer feedback on your business website proudly. The widget comes in many striking styles and designs, allowing you to choose the setting that best suits your corporate identity. If you are growing your business or have already established yourself in your niche, widgets like this can further build your online reputation and increase conversions.

Our Google Reviews plugin is easy to implement directly on your website, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business. Just two minutes, and you’re all set. Just copy and paste your company website link into the widget and follow the simple process outlined in the video above to display it on your WordPress site. Many successful businesses use WordPress plugins to boast glowing customer reviews in the hope that this will convince other consumers to give it a try. Displaying Google Reviews for your business is a no-brainer unless you’re interested in free marketing.

Given the enormous popularity of the search engine and the number of people with Google accounts, Google reviews, in particular, have a significant impact on consumers’ purchasing decisions. Many consumers claim that Google is the first place they use reviews to rate businesses, making Google reviews more reliable than reviews from other sites. Download now

Customer Reviews for WooCommerce

Customer Reviews for WooCommerce

Happy customers are your best marketers. So why not let them leave a comment? Send automatic, personalized email reminders to every customer after a transaction – verification has never been easier!

Extend the default WooCommerce reviews with additional features and reassure customers by answering their questions through the Q&A section on the product page.

Customer Reviews Plugin for WooCommerce helps you increase engagement, build loyalty, improve SEO, and drive more sales with social proof. Localized in 40+ languages ​​and installed in over 50,000 stores!

The plugin includes optional integration with external services for checking customer reviews. CusRev collects customer reviews and verifies their authenticity. Please visit their devs website for information on CusRev’s terms, privacy, and privacy policy. Download now

Final Thoughts

As you can imagine, there is a fair amount of overlap between the five plugins’ features and functionalities.

All plugins featured here allow you to build stylish review boxes, split your review into custom rating criteria, and add the relevant schema markup for rich snippets — in other words, the essential review functionalities.

What’s your favorite review plugin? Thoughts?

Claudio Pires

Claudio Pires is the co-founder of Visualmodo, a renowned company in web development and design. With over 15 years of experience, Claudio has honed his skills in content creation, web development support, and senior web designer. A trilingual expert fluent in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, he brings a global perspective to his work. Beyond his professional endeavors, Claudio is an active YouTuber, sharing his insights and expertise with a broader audience. Based in Brazil, Claudio continues to push the boundaries of web design and digital content, making him a pivotal figure in the industry.