Designing an SEO Friendly Site

If you happen to be a web designer or developer, Learn best guidelines, tips & strategies to apply while designing an SEO friendly site

By Claudio Pires
Updated on March 20, 2023
Designing an SEO Friendly Site

When designing a website, one of the main objectives is typically driving traffic. It is unlikely that people create a site without this goal in mind. In light of this, the design must be well thought out and done. Learn the best guidelines, tips & strategies to apply in the process of designing an SEO friendly site.

In a way that is attractive to search engines, as that is where your traffic will come from. A lot goes into designing a website that ranks high in search engines.

But consistency and the proper knowledge will take you as far as you want. If you happen to be a web designer or developer. Then you may find the tips below on designing an SEO-friendly site rather helpful.

SEO Friendly Sites Design

Take Keyword Research Seriously SEO Friendly

One of the fundamentals of any SEO-friendly website has well-thought-out keywords. That said, take the time to do adequate keyword research if you want to see positive results. Keyword research is so essential as it is what helps create online visibility.

Create a list of keywords that relate to what your website does and what people will likely use. To find your products or services online. Ultimately, keywords will help you drive the traffic you need if it’s a business-related site. Translate into the sales you need.

Consider the Services of an Agency

If you don’t have the knowledge needed when it comes to SEO. Then it may be best to work with an SEO Fuel marketing agency when designing your site. This is because they can help fill the knowledge gap regarding SEO.

As well as give you direction regarding which elements to include in the layout or design of the site. This could reduce the number of revisions that must be made and help prevent costly mistakes following the best SEO friendly site guidelines.

Make it Responsive Designing an SEO Friendly Site

When designing an SEO-friendly website, responsiveness is another essential element to consider. Search engines want not only to know that your site is relevant to your niche. But also that your site works properly.

The user experience is essential, so the last thing you want is a site that is hanging, distorted on mobile, or hard to navigate around. To make it responsive, focus your efforts on making images web-friendly, optimizing your site’s speed, and ensuring it’s mobile-friendly.

Regarding the last one, choosing mobile-friendly templates is a great place to start.

Create a Checklist

Creating an SEO checklist while designing a website could help significantly, so consider putting one together. This is a way to be sure you don’t leave out any vital information and can include all elements in your design as you go along following the best SEO friendly site guidelines.

Use Titles and Tags Designing an SEO Friendly Site

In addition to the mentioned, titles and tags are another ideal way of making a website SEO friendly. After you’ve gathered the right keywords, as discussed above, include them in your titles and tags where possible.

However, be sure not to keyword stuff and do it naturally so that search engines don’t penalize you.

Optimize the Content for the Search Intent of your Clients

If you don’t know the meaning of “search intent,” it’s the purpose of searching. Individuals utilize keywords to search for the things they are seeking.

For instance, if your intended audience is searching for a recipe for a chocolate cake, they will enter the term “how to make a chocolate cake” into the search bar.

Now, the search engine would recognize their intent and provide them with instructions for making a chocolate cake instead of the online stores to purchase it. As a result, it would be beneficial if your website’s content was focused on the audience’s intended search.

Four primary intents are primarily utilized by businesses in almost all industries when content marketing websites for business purposes.

  • Informative: Consider the former example as an informative intent. It’s when the user only seeks information.
  • Navigational: This is when a user seeks out a specific app or website, such as Instagram or Facebook.
  • Commercial: The consumer here seeks a product but hasn’t decided on a specific model, for example, “top hair dryers” or “top kitchen blenders.”
  • Transactional: This is when a person is willing to buy a product but first seeks it out, for example, “Remington Hair Straightener” or “Panasonic Blender.”

Play With The Images Designing an SEO Friendly Site

Many people prioritize enhancing their content’s content for search engine optimization. However, they often forget the importance of on-site SEO and design, which are significant in forming a user’s experience with their business.

As a result, it’s crucial to recognize that images significantly impact organic traffic generated for your website. In reality, more than 73% of all global users search for pictures of a product before purchasing it.

They often enter their query into the search and open the images tab of the Google search engine to browse related products and reputable companies.

Additionally, Google can visit websites with an entire image or the website that initially uploaded the picture.

As a result, even if you’re not listed at the top of the SERP, you can still be on top of the SERP through Google’s image section. Here are a few tips to consider when uploading and optimizing images on your website.

File Format: You’ve likely learned that fast site speed is crucial to your rankings. As a result, the best format for a file is essential, as it affects the size and speed of your website.

Using different designs for JPEG, PNG, and WebP on other platforms may help reduce the size and speed of websites.

Image compression: It’s crucial to compress your images before uploading them to Google. As a result, the larger the picture, the slower the upload speed will be. You can employ free tools for this or hire a professional graphic designer to do it for you.

AltText: Supplemental text: Short, pertinent, and informative. AltText is added to images that help the browser better understand the image. However, be sure to utilize keywords appropriately: without overdoing it.

Claudio Pires

Claudio Pires is the co-founder of Visualmodo, a renowned company in web development and design. With over 15 years of experience, Claudio has honed his skills in content creation, web development support, and senior web designer. A trilingual expert fluent in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, he brings a global perspective to his work. Beyond his professional endeavors, Claudio is an active YouTuber, sharing his insights and expertise with a broader audience. Based in Brazil, Claudio continues to push the boundaries of web design and digital content, making him a pivotal figure in the industry.