In this tutorial, you will see how to add portfolio filter icons in WordPress portfolio categories to create a page design like the one in the image above.
The first step is having the portfolio already build. For it, please follow this other guide on How To Create a Portfolio in WordPress. After you have the portfolio already build, you will need to get the icons uploaded so you can use them on your categories portfolio filter.
As a result, you can build your icons pack on, or you can download some exclusive Visualmodo Icons packs here to make it all easier for you;
Download Icons – Portfolio Filter Icons in WordPress
After you have your icons pack downloaded, you need to upload the pack on your WordPress. Moreover, it makes sure you have activated the exclusive WordPress Plugin Borderless by Visualmodo.
Upload Icons in Your WP Site
You receive this plugin by message to download as soon as you start your Visualmodo theme on your WordPress, go to wp-dashboard > visual elements > icon manager > add icons > select the pack and upload.
Once you have your icons pack ready as is in the image above, you will be able to hover the icon and see its name, please save the name. For example, we will use ‘svg_printer’.
Now you (with the icon name saved) will navigate to your WordPress > Projects > project categories < area and will select the portfolio posts categories, click on it to open the category editor.
Edit in Category – Portfolio Filter Icons in WordPress
Once you open the category editor, you will see a field so you can post the icon name (svg_printer). Please, do it, and save. All done. NOTE: Follow the style attached. Icon pack name – icon name (on the case, the icon pack title is ‘design,’ and the icon name is ‘svg_printer.’
Finally, Make sure you have set the option for icons on sortable on your PORTFOLIO page builder element. So, when adding the portfolio to the page so you can show the categories and their attached icons.
I hope you did learn how to add portfolio filter icons in WordPress categories; if not, contact us!