How To Create a Facebook Page For Your Website or Blog?

In this guide, you'll learn how to create & start a business Facebook page for your website or blog to establish a blog fan page

By Claudio Pires
Updated on May 14, 2024
How To Create a Facebook Page For Your Website or Blog?

If you want to expand your site readership or help its popularity grow, learning how to create a Facebook page for a blog located on your site should be at the top of your list, and there is no platform better than Facebook to get you started. In this guide, you’ll learn how to create & start a business Facebook page for your website or blog.

It also allows you to separate your profile from that of your blog. Something many bloggers feel the need to do so their blogging, professional personality, and real one stay separate. Facebook presents bloggers with an ideal platform to establish a blog fan page. The platform has the most active users globally, meaning the fans you attract to your blog page will likely read what you post.

Creating a Facebook Page For Your Blog

No matter your reasoning behind making a Facebook page for a blog, it is the right step. This guide breaks down the whole process so you don’t face any problems and can establish the carrier within 5 minutes.

Create a Facebook Business Page

Facebook business pages are created using a personal account, so you must log in to your account first. In the right-hand side of the blue toolbar, find and click the “Create” button.

  1. Log in to Facebook: You must have a personal Facebook account to create a Facebook Business Page. If you don’t have one, you must create a personal account first.
  2. Create a Page: Click on the drop-down arrow in the top-right corner of your Facebook homepage. Select “Create Page” from the drop-down menu.
  3. Choose a Page type: You’ll be given several options, such as “Business or Brand” and “Community or Public Figure”. Choose “Business or Brand.”
  4. Enter your business information: You’ll need to provide details like your business name, category (e.g., Retail, Non-profit), address, and phone number.
  5. Add a Profile Picture: This could be your company logo or any other image representing your business. The ideal size for a profile picture is 170×170 pixels.
  6. Add a Cover Photo: This large, banner-like photo spans the top of your Facebook page. It should be a larger image (the ideal size is 820×462 pixels) representing your brand well.

Extra Tips

  1. Create a Username: Your username, also called your vanity URL, is how you’ll tell people where to find you on Facebook. Your username can be up to 50 characters long but don’t use extra characters just because you can. You want it to be easy to type and easy to remember.
  2. Complete your About section: Click on “About” on the left-hand side of your page and fill in the necessary information, including your business story, contact information, and more.
  3. Create your first post: Before inviting people to like your Facebook Page, you’ll want to ensure you have some engaging content posted. Create a welcome center to greet visitors to your page.
  4. Invite users to like your Page: There’s a section of your page where you can invite people to like your page. You can invite friends, colleagues, and other contacts to like your page.
  5. Add a Call-to-Action Button: This is a great way to drive traffic to your website and get conversions. The button can be customized to suit your business needs (e.g., Book Now, Contact Us, Learn More, etc.).
  6. Measure your growth: Use Facebook Insights to understand how people are engaging with your page and posts.

Choose “Page” on the Menu

A drop-down list will appear after clicking “Create.” Select the first option, “Page,” to create your Facebook Business Page.

Select the Page Category

You can choose between two-page categories—a “Business or Brand” or “Community or Public Figure.” Most for-profit businesses will want to choose a Business or Brand. Picking Your Facebook Business Page Category

Your Business Information

Tell Facebook what you want the name of your business page to be. This should be the same as your actual business name.

Then, choose a business category that best represents what your business offers. For example, a clothing brand could enter “Clothing,” which will then pre-populate a list of related options for you to choose from. Choose Page Name and Select Category for Your Business Page. Keep reading this guide to learn how to create & start a business Facebook page for your website or blog.

Page Picture and Cover Photo

Next, choose a photo to upload as your business page profile picture. Businesses commonly use their logo as a profile picture, but you may use any photo representing your business and branding. Be sure that your image is clear and doesn’t get cropped.

Next, consider uploading a cover photo. A cover photo is the background image that appears on your Facebook Business Page, similar to your personal Facebook account.

You want your cover photo to be visually appealing and represent your business. Your cover photo should be at least 400 pixels wide by 150 pixels tall.

If you have trouble finding a cover image, you can create one for free using Canva. It includes many Facebook cover templates you can easily customize without graphic design skills or knowledge.

Invite Friends to Like Your Page

Facebook will prompt you to invite your current Facebook friends from your account to like your new business page.

Existing Facebook friends can provide an excellent initial base of likes for a new Facebook Business Page, so it is advised to go ahead and do this. Click the pop-up prompt or invite friends from your “…” button from your business page, as illustrated below. Keep reading this guide to learn how to create & start a business Facebook page for your website or blog.

Adding Extra Business Details To Facebook Fan Page for a Website or Blog

In the left-hand menu, find and select “About.” This is where you will input information that tells readers about your business, from ways to contact you to your products or menu. Enter all pertinent information, such as your website, hours, and contact information.

It’s not uncommon for a business’ Facebook page to rank higher in organic search than its website, given Facebook’s domain authority. Keeping this in mind, completing all information is important, as it may be a potential customer’s first point of reference for your business.

Adding a Button to Your Page

After you input all your essential information into your Facebook business page. You will want to add a button to your page, which will appear in the top right-hand of your business page below your cover photo.

This acts as your Facebook page’s call-to-action (CTA) and is free to use. Including a relevant one to your business can help generate more leads and increase sales. To do this, click the blue “+ Add a Button” option on the left-hand side of your page below your cover image.

You can choose from the following buttons: Book with You, Contact You, Learn More, Shop, or Download. Select the button type that best suits your business. For example, a hair salon would likely want to use the Book with You option, whereas a brand selling products would find the Shop option a better fit.

Promoting Your Facebook Business Page

Creating a Facebook Business Page is the first step to marketing your business on Facebook. You must be active on Facebook to sell your page and grow an audience. For example, you will not only want to be consistent in posting on your page.

However, you will also want to actively participate in relevant groups where your target audience is likely spending their time.

Start Guide To Facebook Page Creation Final Tips

When you visit Facebook from your profile. Your blog page will now show up in the navigation on the left. As a result, all you have to do is click to view your page. The notifications are specific to the page.

Finally, when you post something on the fan page. The post will appear as your blog name, not your real name.

However, if you are going to visit another page or profile and you want to comment from your blog name instead of your profile, you’ll need to go to the top of the screen, click the little gear icon on the blue Facebook bar, and select “Use Facebook as [blog name].” To switch back, go back to the blue bar, click the down arrow on the far right, and choose “Use Facebook as [your name].”

Claudio Pires

Claudio Pires is the co-founder of Visualmodo, a renowned company in web development and design. With over 15 years of experience, Claudio has honed his skills in content creation, web development support, and senior web designer. A trilingual expert fluent in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, he brings a global perspective to his work. Beyond his professional endeavors, Claudio is an active YouTuber, sharing his insights and expertise with a broader audience. Based in Brazil, Claudio continues to push the boundaries of web design and digital content, making him a pivotal figure in the industry.