How to Export Email Addresses from WordPress Comments

Check out this article, where we will show you a guide on how to export users' email addresses and comments to WordPress

By Claudio Pires
Updated on April 6, 2023
How to Export Email Addresses from WordPress Comments

Recently one of our users asked us if it was possible to export comment author emails in WordPress. Since the email address is a required field on most WordPress-powered websites using the default commenting system, it is possible. Do you want to export your comments email address? In this article, we will show you a guide on how to export users’ email addresses and comments to WordPress.

Whenever someone comments on a blog, she has to enter an email address in the required field. The only thing the email does is, show the commenter’s Gravatar. But do you know that you can export commenters’ email addresses from WordPress? Yes, you can do it by using a plugin. You can build your networks if you have any comments on your blog.

How to Export Emails From WordPress Comments

The easiest way to export email addresses from WordPress comments is to use WordPress Comment Import & Export.

  • To get started, you’ll need to install and activate the plugin. After activating, go to Reviews » Im-Ex Reviews.
  • By default, the plugin exports all data for each comment, so you’ll usually want to uncheck unnecessary information. If you are not interested in the author’s IP address, click to uncheck the comment_author_ip box.
  • One option is to export only comments posted within a certain period.
  • To set a time limit, go to the ‘Date’ section. You can click on each date field and choose a start and end date from the calendar popup.
  • You can also export comments from a specific post only. To limit the export to a specific page, click on the box next to ‘Articles’ and select any post from the list.
  • Once you’ve done that, scroll down to the ‘Columns’ section, which lists all the information you can include in the export.
  • Did you add a custom opt-in field to the comment form? Then check the comment_meta box to see if the author has opted in to receive email updates.
  • Once you’re happy with the export setup, click the Export Comments button.
  • Then, open the file using any application or program that supports the CSV format, such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.

Using These Email Addresses

Basically, as these people have commented on your blog, there is a chance that most of these people are your targetted audience. You can add them to your social media to build your networks. So, the good news is you can easily export these email to your Gmail contacts. Just go to Gmail and click on ‘Contacts’ from Gmail. You’ll find all your existing contacts on the landed page. After that, click on “More” and select “Import.”

A box will be popped up. Just select “CSV or vCard file.” Google might ask you to go to the old contacts. If so, click on “GO TO OLD CONTACTS.” On the next page, click on “Import Contacts.” A box will be popped up. Choose your file and click on the “Import” button. Your Contacts will be uploaded shortly. If you have your user’s permission, you can upload this email to MailChimp or another mailing service.

Now let’s see how to connect with the commenters on social media for export email WordPress comments:


Go to Twitter and click on “Find people you know.” On the next page, click on “Search contacts” beside Gmail. Allow Twitter to access Gmail. And it will show the people with a Twitter account on your Gmail contacts. Lastly, follow the people that seem known to you.


Go to LinkedIn and select “Add Contacts” from “My Network. And click on Gmail. Allow LinkedIn to access your Gmail account. Then it will import contacts from Gmail. You don’t need to add all contacts. Add the contact with profile pictures or those contacts that seem known to you. A lot of these people will add you back.

How to Get the Most out of Exported Email Addresses

After exporting email addresses for WordPress comments, you can use them in a few different ways. If the commenter opts in to receive your updates via email, you can add them to your email newsletter. And also, You can send these people news, tips, and updates about your business or website.

You can also add users to your CRM to make regular personal contacts to build your network. Another use for your exported email addresses is for Facebook retargeting ads.

Final Words About Export Email WordPress Comments

We hope this guide on how to export comments from users’ email addresses to WordPress has been helpful. Let us know if you have faced any difficulties. However, if you found the post useful, please help me by sharing this post. You must have user permission before adding them to your email list. Above all, it is recommended that you ask the users to double opt in.

Claudio Pires

Claudio Pires is the co-founder of Visualmodo, a renowned company in web development and design. With over 15 years of experience, Claudio has honed his skills in content creation, web development support, and senior web designer. A trilingual expert fluent in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, he brings a global perspective to his work. Beyond his professional endeavors, Claudio is an active YouTuber, sharing his insights and expertise with a broader audience. Based in Brazil, Claudio continues to push the boundaries of web design and digital content, making him a pivotal figure in the industry.