If you have been stressed out lately because of your costly energy bill, maybe it is time to change some of your practices. Although most of your energy consumption occurs during the daytime, there are still adjustments you can do at night that would significantly cut down your energy expenditure. If you want some insights or just reminders on what you should do every night to reduce the electricity you consume, keep reading. In this article, you’ll learn how to reduce energy costs at night with top saving tips.
Saving electricity at night is easier than you think. They are even practical that you will realise you should have been doing them after all this time. Here are some tips that you can follow to reduce energy costs at night.
1 Do not forget to unplug unnecessary appliances.
Check every electrical outlet and appliance that you have at home before you go to bed. Make sure that everything is off. Did you know that even though a device is off, as long as it is in, it can still run some energy? The name is “standby” or “phantom” electricity. Well, now that you are in, you should know better than leaving your appliances plugged when not in use, even in the morning.
2 Opt for energy-saving appliances to reduce energy costs at night
Obviously, there are some devices that you cannot just unplug at night. Like your freezer and refrigerator, even your air conditioner at times that you really need it. Fortunately, because of development and innovation. There are now appliances meant to help save energy, primarily when used in more periods.
The main benefit of appliances with inverter compressors like refrigerators and ACs is to conserve energy. The inverter compressor slows down the device just enough to maintain the temperature at night when not actively. Which means it spends less energy top saving tips and reduces the costs.
3 Learn to strategize how to regulate your home’s temperature at night.
The most active energy appliance in the evening is probably either your heater or air conditioner. Try to take advantage of natural temperature. If you can just set the default temperature on your thermostat.Or even turn it off entirely when the weather seems comfortable, that would help your bill go down.
4 Do not let your electronics running while you sleep to reduce energy costs at night
People nowadays get used to sleeping with their television and personal computers while trying to fall asleep. Most of the time, they tend to forget to turn them off completely. They would only realise in the morning that they are running the entire night.
5 Avoid charging your gadgets at night.
Charging your devices at night is also not a good idea for your energy bills with top saving tips since it would remain plugged even when it reaches maximum battery capacity.
6 Do not forget to turn off the lights.
Lastly, and the most practical but also easily neglected, is to turn off all your lights at night. If you can fall asleep without any night lights, that is a great change as well.
7 Use Efficient Window Treatments to Reduce Energy Costs at Night
Windows are a major source of heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer, leading to higher energy costs. The right window treatments can help maintain indoor temperatures overnight.
Actions to Take:
- Thermal Curtains: Use insulated curtains to reduce heat loss in winter and block heat in summer.
- Window Films: Apply reflective films to windows to minimize heat transfer.
- Seal Gaps: Check for and seal any drafts around windows and doors to improve insulation.
Pro Tip:
Close curtains or blinds as soon as the sun sets to trap heat during colder months.
8 Take Advantage of Off-Peak Hours
Many energy providers offer lower rates during off-peak hours, typically at night. By shifting your energy-intensive activities to these periods, you can take full advantage of reduced rates.
Actions to Take:
- Laundry and Dishwashing: Run washing machines and dishwashers after 9 PM when off-peak rates often begin.
- Charging Devices: Charge electronics like laptops, smartphones, and power banks during these hours.
- Set Timers: Use timers on appliances to automatically start during off-peak hours.
Pro Tip:
Check with your utility company to understand their off-peak schedule and tailor your energy use accordingly.
9 Unplug Devices Not in Use
Even when turned off, many devices continue to draw power—a phenomenon known as phantom or standby power. At night, when these devices are unused for hours, the wasted energy can add up.
Actions to Take:
- Unplug Chargers: Remove phone, tablet, and laptop chargers from outlets when not in use.
- Use Smart Power Strips: These strips cut power to devices that go into standby mode, eliminating phantom energy usage.
- Turn Off Gaming Consoles: Ensure gaming consoles and streaming devices are completely powered down overnight.
Pro Tip:
Identify energy vampires in your home with a smart energy monitor, which tracks power usage for each device.
Of course, one primary way to reduce energy costs is by switching to suppliers that offer cheaper and more cost-efficient plans. If you need assistance in finding the best utility supplier for either domestic or business energy, head on to the Utility website to see how you can hire the best utility brokers.