Web design as we know it today has taken a long journey to become what it is. From the initial websites that were mainly single-column, text-based pages done in HTML to present-day’s responsive websites that change based on the device used, rapid advancement in website design has significantly changed things in the last three decades. In this article, we’ll learn how website design has changed over time & years and what to expect for the future.
Website Design in the Mid-1990s
The changes that happened just after the publishing of the first website by Tim Berners Lee include unique design elements such as:
- Background images were usually up and into tables
- Good website design principles often meant whatever looked the most advanced.
- Frame pages were a popular way to differentiate the sidebar navigation from the body of the website content
Website Design in the Late 90s: What To Expect?
Towards the end of the 90s, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) were introduced. This development enabled designers to separate web content from design.
The design elements of a page, such as text size and background color, could be in the style sheet rather than in the HTML of the page itself. Keep reading to learn how website design has changed over time & years and what to expect for the future.
1990: The first web browser is released
The beginning of it all was when Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web (WWW), which was the first web browser to be created.
It was touted as an editor that produced what you see instead of what you get. The browser was subsequently superseded by NEXUS to avoid confusion with the WWW.
1991: The first website is launched
The inventor of the WWW also created the first website. Unfortunately, the original website was not preserved until now, and the address link only shows its 1992 version. He programmed his CERN website in HTML.
Assigning data to columns and rows was the primary purpose of the element in HTML. A simple text-based website appeared with no images, color, or graphics.
It’s not the type of web design that we consider today. The first version of HTML allowed for the primary content structure of headings and paragraphs. Keep following to learn how website design has changed over time & years and what to expect for the future.
2000s – the advancement of HTML and the introduction of forms
In the mid-2000s, HTML became more advanced. Navigation bars started moving to the top of the page. Drop-down menus became a preferred choice for navigation, and forms began being used.
Among the most consequential advancements of this period was the emergence of user-created content. Users could create and customize online profiles, journal collections, and photos.
2010 – 2016: Trendy web layouts and backgrounds
Since 2010, designing narrow, textured magazine-like layouts have become a rising trend.
Websites are formatted tall and skinny, unlike when they were short and wide. Navigation has become minimal and reduced to the most critical areas of the site only.
Mobile-friendly web design has also taken center stage in the development of web design. Designers have been keen on creating mobile-responsive sites that communicate with a smartphone’s hardware to ensure that the content is projected in the most user-friendly manner.
However, this advancement has spanned further than minding only mobile-friendliness. Developments that have happened after 2016 insist on universal responsiveness.
2016 to now: Completely responsive website design
Since 2016, we have seen responsive websites becoming more popular. These websites change according to the device used by the user. Therefore, whether you are using a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone, responsive web design ensures you get the best view of the site and its content.
Other changes in the web design atmosphere: Website design Over Time
- Compatibility and flexibility: With the advancement of the internet and the emergence of social media. Browsing the internet has become more sophisticated. This has influenced web design to become more flexible, not just functional. The introduction of additional web browsers such Mozilla, Chrome, Opera and others has also made designers pay attention to ensuring that the sites they create are compatible with available web browsers.
- Minimalist/flat designs: Flat design is another trendy wave in web design. Designers and users continue to embrace the efficiency and pleasantness of minimalist two-dimensional design styles. The flat design emphasizes functional over ornamental design elements. Communication to visitors is up, which is why icons and buttons have gracefully bowed to content. It’s common practice for webmasters to place content at the forefront and reduce site design complexity.
- Web design templates: Unlike in the ancient days of web design evolution. So, where only a select few would manage the tasks of website development, today, almost everyone can design a website thanks to web design templates. Any individual with little exposure to IT can create and publish a website. However, this doesn’t mean that anyone can come up with a usable, efficient, and aesthetically pleasing website design. A business owner who needs a severe website for their enterprise should employ the services of a professional designer, just as good discipline in business dictates.
And About 2024 & 2025? What Expect for Website Design?
- Artificial intelligence: The process of allowing machines to learn through experience. AI’s intellectual capabilities are increasing. It’s the catalyst for autonomous cars, it has radically altered manufacturing, it has a significant role in sports by providing vital statistics to coaches, it’s also involved in healthcare by having a role in the personal assistants that remind patients to take their medication, be mobile and follow a healthier diet, it’s also involved in retail by having a role in the personalized marketing of products and the management of inventory.
- Voice Search: How can I assist you? Today, it’s common to instead search for information on Google or Alexa instead of typing a query into a search engine.
- Augmented Reality: It is likely that augmented reality (AR) will have a significant impact on web design in the near future.
Final Words
As we look into 2019 and the future, magazine sites will become more prominent. In today’s fast-paced world, information needs to be not more than a click away if websites are to retain valuable traffic.
Web design also leverages the increasing power of computers and phones. As these devices are more sophisticated and robust, websites will be able to contain vast content amounts but will need more elaborate designs. It will also be a necessity for web developers to run more powerful software that will help them design the best possible websites.