7 Major Content Marketing Obstacles to Overcome in 2023

Learn the major and most significant content marketing challenges and obstacles to overcome and how to resolve them fast

By Claudio Pires
Updated on November 17, 2022
7 Major Content Marketing Obstacles to Overcome in 2023

Content marketing has developed up to a point where we can safely discuss a proverbial revolution for it. With 2023 well underway, there are still numerous challenges ahead of us. Learn the major and most significant content marketing challenges and obstacles to overcome and how to resolve them fast.

Marketing experts will have to flex their creative muscles more than ever to stay relevant to their followers. With that in mind, let’s dive right into the significant obstacles marketing teams still need to overcome in 2023.

Major Content Marketing Obstacles

1 – Content ideation

It’s more brutal by the day to create original content. What is left for content marketers to discuss with so many websites, articles, and topics already discussed?

One of the biggest concerns of marketing professionals is the growing need for something new and unique. Trending topics and popular happenings can only be discussed so far. Websites and blogs that want to stand out from the crowd will have to pay extra attention to their topics, titles, and overall choice of content.

2 – Lightning-fast turnaround times

The attention spans of average internet users are dropping by the day. Before moving on, people take several seconds to decide whether an article is worth their time.

To that end, content marketing experts must focus on creating “the hook” as well as they can. The attention span is shorter, and the need for new content continues to grow. The ensuing catch-22 will require marketers to churn out new content as quickly as possible while keeping it interesting.

3 – Incentives for conversion: Content marketing obstacles & challenges

People rarely follow only one website or social media page. With so many news outlets and sources of information readily available, it cannot be easy to subscribe to yet another one. Content creators should focus on their calls to action and added incentives for conversion.

Short messages with direct benefits for subscription, purchase, or other interaction should become center stage. Writing services like paper can help content creators write compelling calls to action and marketing materials for incentivized conversion. Make sure that people know how different and unique you are on the market if you want to bring them to your side before the end of 2023.

4 – Growing competition

It’s easier than ever to start a blog, a startup, or a content marketing website. Unfortunately, not every website survives its infancy. Moreover, the reputation of all marketing websites suffers if several show signs of unprofessional or irresponsible behavior. For that reason, making a name for yourself in a growing and increasingly competitive market is often quite challenging.

Content marketing experts must pay closer attention to their branding, brand advocacy, and website marketing. Content creation and marketing won’t be enough to secure a spot on the market without brand advertisement. In order for a business or a blog to succeed in 2023, both need to go hand in hand and promote the brand as an integral part of the content. Follow this to overcome the content marketing obstacles.

5 – Tracking & analytics

With so many variables to keep track of, it can be challenging to pinpoint the ones that matter. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) remains the pivotal method of optimizing and ranking content on the web, even in 2023

However, more critical statistics are always showing up and offer even more information for content marketers. Things such as traffic, conversion rates, load times, link building, audience feedback, and organic growth play an important role. Successful content marketing experts differentiate themselves from others by knowing which stats matter at any given moment to develop new content.

6 – Multiplatform presence: Content marketing obstacles & challenges

Web browsers and search engines are only the tip of the iceberg regarding content marketing availability. More and more companies and news outlets opt for specialized applications, email content delivery and other publishing methods. These methods offer a more personal, curated approach to content creation that would otherwise be impossible.

In 2023 content marketers need to pay close attention to the multiplatform availability of their content. Things such as QR codes and AR optimization aren’t in the distant future

. Content marketers can also make ample use of machine learning algorithms and chatbots to enhance the content marketing experience of their audiences. The more platforms and options you offer to readers, the more readers you will have. Use this to overcome the content marketing obstacles.

7 – Audience inclusiveness

Lastly, content delivery and marketing are not one-sided streets anymore. Readers like to be included in the work of their bloggers, news outlets, and companies. Content such as testimonials, reviews, and interviews can bridge the gap between the product and the end user.

Content marketing experts who choose to include their audience and give them a voice will have a far better and more far-reaching reputation.

Those that focus on the sole delivery of information without talking to their readers won’t find as much success in 2023 due to ignorance. Customer feedback is extremely important, even if your sole product is blog articles. Make sure to open your eyes and ears to what people say and include their opinion in your content marketing for better reception.

Bonus: Not generating enough content: Content marketing obstacles & challenges

Producing daily, weekly, or even bi-weekly content can be difficult.

Creating content is a tedious process, even for blog posts. 29% of respondents said they spend at least 2 to 3 hours creating a post for their website.

If you have a full-time job alongside building your website, or simply don’t have the skills needed to create blogs, videos, and podcasts, outsourcing such work to content creators is a great option.

Outsourcing your work allows you to hire the most talented writers, freelance photographers, editors, video editors, and other content creators to grow your business in a fraction of the time you would spend working alone.

Consider this if you’re having trouble creating a well-rounded and engaging website.

The solution can be as simple as hiring someone else to produce content for you while you can focus on other aspects of your business, such as Doing research for investors, business presentations or focusing on the rest of your business.

An uphill battle (Conclusion)

Fighting for the audience’s attention and SEO visibility is a never-ending process. Even when things go your way, you should never rest on your laurels and do nothing to improve your content. This year is only a single year, with many more to come for your blog or website. Make sure you are still around years by paying close attention to trends and going with the flow.

Claudio Pires

Claudio Pires is the co-founder of Visualmodo, a renowned company in web development and design. With over 15 years of experience, Claudio has honed his skills in content creation, web development support, and senior web designer. A trilingual expert fluent in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, he brings a global perspective to his work. Beyond his professional endeavors, Claudio is an active YouTuber, sharing his insights and expertise with a broader audience. Based in Brazil, Claudio continues to push the boundaries of web design and digital content, making him a pivotal figure in the industry.