On Wednesday, August 11, Minister Lai Mohammed stated that the Nigerian government will be lifting the Twitter ban soon. This news comes after the West African country resolved its conflict with the social media platform at last. In this article, we’ll talk about the Nigeria Twitter ban and how you can protect yourself from these actions.
It is no secret that the Nigerian government banned Twitter on June 4 of this year after the controversial tweet of President Muhammadu Buhari was deleted.
The federal government of the West African country had banned Twitter two days after the social media platform removed the president’s tweet in which he threatened to punish regional secessionists. The minister stated that they banned the microblogging platform due to. “The persistent use of the platform for activities that are capable of undermining Nigeria’s corporate existence.”
“The ban on Twitter will soon be as we are getting close to reaching a full agreement. “The minister told reporters after the cabinet meeting continuing, “We have agreed on some areas. So, hopefully, in the next few days or weeks, we will conclude.”
Minutes after the ban, “Which VPN” was trending on Nigerian Twitter. Nigerian people were focus to resort to Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) in order to use the platform.
Lucky enough, Nigeria is not one of the countries that impose laws and restrictions on the use of VPN. So Virtual Private Networks came to the rescue just when the Nigerian people needed it the most.
How Did VPNs Help with Twitter Ban?
VPNs or Virtual Private Networks work through establishing a secure connection between the user and the internet. It then works to reroute the user’s data traffic to another location through an encrypted virtual tunnel. This process disguises the user’s IP address when using the internet, making its location invisible to everyone.
But this isn’t the only use of VPNs. It is fair to say that VPNs are mostly to be for bypassing geo-restrictions on social media platforms. Streaming services, and regional content. However, it can come in handy when you live in a country that does not welcome discussing social and political issues on social media platforms.
According to one statistic, governments in 38 countries around the world made arrests in 2015 based on social media posts. However, according to a different statistic. 27% of internet users live in countries where they have already out sharing. Posting, or just like particular social media, like Facebook to protect you from Nigeria Twitter ban.
Will These Bans and Restrictions Stop Anytime Soon?
The most fitting line to mention is Orwell’s famous and exceeding line “Big Brother Is Watching You.” It is unfortunate to say that there is nothing to indicate that governments will be ceasing these restrictions anytime soon. On the contrary, these bans and restrictions are getting tighter as surveillance tightens in most countries around the globe. Such acts are only restricting people’s freedom to share their ideas. So, stories, opinions, and information on day-to-day issues happening in their countries. Most individuals agree that serious action must be against these censorship acts.
What Can Be Done About Nigeria Twitter Ban
You don’t need to fret over this matter or get upset about it. Because the world now is full to the brim with up-to-date technologies that can always help us pass another obstacle.
With that in mind, if you use one of the best VPN services available on the market. So, you will gain privacy, safety, and anonymity. Furthermore, with the rerouting of your data traffic and the masking of your IP address. Through a VPN, you don’t need to worry about getting bans or arrests for not saying the right thing.
Using a VPN will secure your privacy and protect you from cyberattacks and cyber threats. Such as data theft, hacking, and malicious malware.