Have you ever wondered how other websites have many unique characters in WordPress? It’s quite simple to add them because they are found natively in the WordPress visual editor and have many applications, which can be extremely handy depending on your website’s focus. This guide will show you how to add/include the usage of special characters and symbols in a post and page WordPress.
Using special characters in titles and meta descriptions can improve your website’s SEO, making content more interesting and attractive to users. In turn, this can improve your click-through rate.
How to Include Special Characters WordPress
1- A Plugin To Apply Special Characters
If you need to add special characters regularly, it’s better to use a plugin instead of checking the HTML entity reference graph every time:
- You need to install and activate the “Insert Special Characters” plugin.
- Once activated, edit the post or page where you want to add special characters.
- Select the drop-down arrow in the block toolbar inside the paragraph block and select the ‘Special characters’ option.
Find the special character you want to add and click to insert it in the WordPress editor in this guide on how to include the usage of special characters. Follow the instructions in the full video below:
2- Add Special Characters Using the WordPress Block Editor
If you are looking for an easy way to add special characters in the block editor using HTML entities, then this method is for you. When you write a blog post, WordPress automatically formats it into HTML. It is a markup language used by almost all websites.
HTML contains a list of HTML entities. These unique codes allow you to display characters, symbols, arrows, etc. They also allow you to add special characters to HTML that are not normally found in keyboard layouts.
For example, if you want to add a trademark symbol ™, you can use the HTML entity code &trade to display it. Similarly, if you want to add a copyright © symbol, you can use © the code in your article.
Add Special Characters Using a Custom HTML Block
You must first open a new or existing WordPress post in the block editor to add special characters. Once there, click the ‘+’ button in the top left corner of the screen to open the lock menu.
From here, find and add the custom HTML block to the post. Then, type the HTML entity code of the special character into the block. You’ll notice that each HTML entity code starts with an & symbol and ends with a semicolon.
When finished, click the ‘Update’ or ‘Publish’ button to save your changes. You can now visit your post to check the special characters displayed on your WordPress blog. There are a wide variety of special characters available as HTML entities, including Latin characters, mathematical symbols, currencies, scientific measurement symbols, and more.
Add Special Characters Using the Code Editor
You can also add special characters to your WordPress posts by switching to the code editor. This option in the block editor allows users to view and edit the underlying HTML, CSS, or JavaScript code of different blocks. This makes adding HTML entities easier.
First, open a new or existing WordPress post in the block editor. Once there, click the three-dot menu in the top right corner of the screen to open a drop-down menu. From here, click on the ‘Code Editor’ option.
This will open the code editor, where you can easily add HTML entities between the text. For example, if you want to add a special trademark character next to a product or company name, you can easily do this by switching to the code editor.
When finished, click the ‘Update’ or ‘Publish’ button to save your changes. You can now visit your WordPress website to see the special characters in your posts.
3- Add Special Characters Using the Classic WordPress Editor
If you still use the old classic WordPress editor, you can use this method to add special characters when writing blog posts. Remember that the classic editor comes with a built-in special characters feature. First, you need to open a new or existing post in the editor. This will show the second line of formatting options, and you must click the “Special Characters” button.
Clicking it will open a pop-up window showing some commonly used special characters. There are monetary symbols, mathematical symbols, copyright symbols, registered signs, trademark symbols, and much more.
Remember that this method only works if you use the old post editor in WYSIWYG mode. If you’re using it in text editor mode, you’ll need to switch to a visual editor or use the method described above for HTML entities.
Select the symbol or character you want to use from here, and it will be added to your post. Finally, don’t forget to click the ‘Update’ or ‘Publish’ button to save your changes. Always preview your content and check its appearance on the front end to ensure no rendering issues.
Final Words
Remember that properly using special characters and symbols is crucial for accessibility, search engine optimization, and overall user experience on your WordPress website. We hope this guide will show you how to add/include the usage of special characters and symbols in a post and page WordPress post and page has helped you.