The Top Website Design Trends and How You Can Emulate Them

In a world where websites are becoming complex, If you want to know what website design trends are and how you can emulate them, read it

By Claudio Pires
Updated on October 16, 2024
The Top Website Design Trends and How You Can Emulate Them

In a world where websites are becoming more complex, it is no surprise that many web design trends favor ease of use and intuitiveness. Website visitors are also calling for websites that do not look like copies of each other, so web designers have had to develop some design trends that make the websites they create stand out. If you want to know these website design trends and how to emulate them, keep reading!

White Space

Minimalism is back again, and this time, it is using a lot of white space. White space gives your website elements room to breathe and lets users scroll through it with ease. It also ensures no element overwhelms any other factor instead of allowing every element to stand independently.

White space gives visitors time to rest their eyes before moving on to another element on your website.

Acceptable white space practices dictate that you give your website elements enough space through margins and padding. They also call for having one or more related features, an image, and a description, for example, on one horizontal space so users can see the relationship between the two.

The importance of responsive web design cannot be underestimated. Google even admits that it considers how easy a website is to use on mobile devices when ranking it. However, web designers have taken it even further and are now using custom grids that resize and move content around, so you essentially have two versions of the same website when viewed on desktop or mobile.

Using advanced grid layouts to create asymmetric website designs is also catching on with these asymmetric designs employed to start fresh, engaging, and exciting website designs. Although writing the necessary code to develop these advances and asymmetric grid designs is possible, you will save a lot of time, frustration, and testing if you use a tool such as Editor X.

Editor X is a web design tool that gives you complete control over your designs to create advanced grid systems where you have control of every element, no matter the user’s screen size. Editor X also lets you add custom code to the final design if there is a custom look or behavior you would like to implement. Additionally, it streamlines your workflow by helping you manage your creative flow, from the design to the final publication.

Stacking Layers Website Design Trend To Emulate

Websites are primarily 2D media, but there is a way to make them look 3D using stacked layers. Stacking layers adds depth to a website and makes visitors feel more behind the website and inside their screens.

This web design effect can be emulated by placing elements on each other using z-index values. The lower features are partly or entirely obscured and then revealed on a mouse hover.

Do note that if not done right, stacking layers can make a website look too busy. But when done well, it can make a website look much better, more legible, and more organized.

Custom Illustrations

Images have been used to add visual beauty to websites since our internet speeds have become fast enough to handle downloading multiple photos at once. The problem with this approach is that the images can be placeholders. Add no value to a website. On the other hand, custom illustrations can support the main message the website is trying to pass and even help solidify brand identity.

With improved coding capabilities and browser support, custom illustrations have evolved beyond their old 2D design to new 3D techniques present on best web design trends to watch and emulate.

To emulate this trend, you need to identify the message you wish to pass. The colors you want to use on the website. You can then commission a graphics designer to create custom 2D or 3D illustrations.

Dynamic Scrolling Website Design Trend To Emulate

Linear scrolling is where all elements on a page scroll at the same speed. So, everything appears on the screen simultaneously. Dynamic scrolling involves changing the scroll speed of the website elements, so they appear at different times. If done right, the different scroll speeds of the background and foreground elements can give your website a 3D look.

Dynamic scrolling can also control when videos play or images appear, improving the appearance of your website.

Although you can write the CSS and JavaScript needed to achieve these effects. So, many web designers use CSS and JavaScript libraries to make things easier and more uniform across the website.

Website design trends come and go, but some change entirely how websites are designed. How users interact with them, and how captivating they are to use. For web designers looking to emulate these trends. Finally, ensure you do not overdo it, as that might have the opposite effect to what you were going for.

Claudio Pires

Claudio Pires is the co-founder of Visualmodo, a renowned company in web development and design. With over 15 years of experience, Claudio has honed his skills in content creation, web development support, and senior web designer. A trilingual expert fluent in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, he brings a global perspective to his work. Beyond his professional endeavors, Claudio is an active YouTuber, sharing his insights and expertise with a broader audience. Based in Brazil, Claudio continues to push the boundaries of web design and digital content, making him a pivotal figure in the industry.