Top 7 Web Development Frameworks in 2020

Choosing the right web development frameworks for the creation of a web application or service is a crucial task of the project.

Updated on July 25, 2022
Top 7 Web Development Frameworks in 2020

So, With the improvement of web technologies, the demand for the development of web applications is constantly increasing, and development frameworks are here to solve it. Companies are requiring new and more fitting software solutions for their business needs. To meet these goals web development agencies strive to follow new trends and encompass new technologies. Choosing the right web app development framework for the creation of a web application or service is a crucial task that directly affects the outcome of the project. Brights Company implements the most practical and progressive technologies for the development of rich and interactive web applications. In the paragraphs below, we will take a closer look at web frameworks and appropriate projects for them.

Web Frameworks

Top 7 Web Development Frameworks in 2020

A web framework is a platform for creating websites and web applications that facilitates the development and integration of different components of a software project. This platform is especially well suited for creating complex websites, business applications, and web services. The framework, as a rule, contains only basic software modules, and all project-specific components are implemented by developers on their basis. Depending on the tasks at hand, software engineers can choose a single framework that meets specific needs or combines several. If you are working on your business ideas, you need to check these frameworks which will help you to design your website and product.

Main  benefits of web frameworks:

  • Firstly, developers can build powerful single-page apps with organized and interactive UIs;
  • Secondly, less time is required for software development;
  • High work productivity can be reached by development teams;
  • Frameworks deliver better collaboration on projects;
  • Reusable components speed up the development of similar apps and pages;
  • Frameworks provide clean, easy to read and maintain code;
  • Creation and maintenance of technically complex or heavy projects is simplified;
  • Finally, frameworks deliver proven and reliable solutions.

 Web Development Frameworks Types

Web applications have a backend, or server-side, and a frontend, or client-side, and both require their own specially purposed frameworks. Among those handling client-side are Vue, Angular, React, jQuery; server-side –, Laravel, Jango. Let’s briefly describe these two types of frameworks:

  1. Frontend frameworks are linked to the outside, or frontend, of the app. So, they are responsible for the appearance of the application for end-users and operate in browsers. Frontend frameworks provide structure to the file, define the style of the file components, associate data with DOM elements, make Ajax requests. Client-side frameworks, unlike those used for the server-side, are not responsible for application logic.
  2. Backend frameworks are responsible for the internals of the app. Server frameworks deal with invisible for the user, but crucial parts, necessary for the proper operation of the application – databases, scripting, servers, APIs, and the architecture of the website or app. Backend frameworks provide ready-made components, libraries, and tools for ensuring the proper performance and security of the app.

1 Vue.js

This framework is gaining a lot of attention and becoming one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks. It started as an individual project in 2014 and quickly grew into one of the most trending JS frameworks with a vast ecosystem of developers. Very lightweight, it provides two huge advantages – virtual DOM and component-based architecture. So, Vue is a progressive framework, that can be adapted to the portions of the existing project or to the whole project to build a complete frontend app. Vue can help design flexible, interactive, yet stable web applications. Another detail about the framework – it has two-way data binding, like Angular, which comes next. More and more large companies are starting to adopt Vue. Gitlab, Behance, Nintendo, Apple, and Google have trusted it with their web projects. Another example that has adopted this framework to great benefit.

2 Angular.js

Angular is one of the leading front-end development frameworks that provides many advanced features and continuous updates. Angular was officially released in 2016 by Google, which still maintains it together with other companies and a large community of individual developers.

Based on TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, Angular is a full and dynamic framework that specializes in building loaded single-page applications and social interaction sites. So, Angular apply two-way data binding, that executes a real-time synchronization between the model and the view. Angular is perfect for building complete web and mobile client-side applications. It is used more in complex enterprise applications rather than in limited-scope projects. Big names like Google, Microsoft, and Paypal implement it.

3 React.js

React is not a framework per se, it’s a JavaScript library, although many programmers consider it a framework, thus it is included in our list. Initially developed and still maintained by Facebook, it became an open-source shortly afterward. It is also very popular with the large front-end development community that actively supports it. React was the first framework to adopt the component structure, long before Angular and Vue did.

React can quickly manipulate the document elements due to its Virtual DOM model, and provides exceptional functionality. Besides the frontend, this framework/ library can be on the server-side as well. React is mostly used for the creation of stable and reliable single-page applications with an interactive interface. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest use it.

4 jQuery Web Development Frameworks

Strictly speaking, jQuery is a JavaScript library, but, to an extent, it does meet the definition of a software framework. jQuery appears in 2006 by John Resig as an open-source to simplify writing HTML, CSS, and JS on the webpages. jQuery compresses multiple lines of code into a single function, eliminating writing entire blocks of code for a particular task. One of the reasons jQuery has become so successful and popular is its cross-platform capabilities.

It also performs identically in the most commonly used browsers. jQuery can access and manipulate any DOM element. Automatically fixes bugs in the code and works with AJAX. It manages events and allows adding various visual effects to the page layout, brings life and creativity to the application design.  jQuery has a huge number of JavaScript plugins for creating user interface elements. The majority of most visited websites in the world implement jQuery.


ASP.NET is a technology for building web applications and web services that offer a whole Microsoft .NET platform to work with, being its integral part. It is a very powerful, cross-platform, and free web framework. ASP.NET allows developing web APIs, microservices, and implements real-time technologies, e.g. Web Sockets.

The technology actually offers not one, but three frameworks for designing web applications: Web Forms, ASP.NET MVC, and ASP.NET Web Pages. All three frameworks are complete and stable. So every single one of them fits well for the creation of web applications and web pages. All the benefits and features of ASP.NET come along with any of these frameworks. Slack, MasterCard, SpaceX favor it.

6 Laravel Web Development Frameworks

Laravel is an open-source web application development framework, rooted in PHP language, introduced in 2011 by Taylor Otwell. Laravel implements the MVC structure and is based on Symfony. The framework boasts an elegant and clean code that allows building applications faster. Moreover, Laravel includes Eloquent ORM, provides its command-line interface, and has simple and fast routing.

The framework provides ready-made API support and possesses a wide choice of packages and libraries that extend its implementation. In addition, this framework has excellent documentation, including Laracasts, a website with videos on Laravel and PHP – screencasts tutorials. So, the framework is well for building small to large applications with complex backend requirements. BBC and Pfizer employ it.

7 Django

It is a large, powerful, MVC-based, full-featured software framework suitable for building complex websites and web applications, programmed with Python. It provides quick while reliable solutions in web development,  grounded in high-quality code and transparent writing. Django includes many additional features that facilitate the development of various app functions. In addition, user authentication, sitemaps, messaging, data administration, RSS feeds, and more.

Django provides techniques, features, and tools for improving website security. It is an excellent platform for creating applications for a particular type of business. In addition, Pinterest, Instagram, Udemy, and Coursera use this framework in their tech stacks.

Conclusion Web Development Frameworks

In conclusion, frameworks now serve as a fundamental part of the web development process. As they provide a reliable approach for building powerful, rich, and interactive web applications. A framework serves as the right platform for the development of a wide range of projects. From high-performance services with non-standard functionality to fast and responsive single-page apps. Finally, choosing which framework to use completely depends on the project requirements and available resources.