Types Of USPS Exams: Beat The Test And Work At US Postal Service

Are you thinking about a shot at the USPS listing? Ssee the types of USPS exams and hoe to beat the test and work at the US postal service

By Claudio Pires
Updated on June 29, 2024
Types Of USPS Exams: Beat The Test And Work At US Postal Service

Are you thinking about applying to the USPS after seeing a listing? Don’t send your application in immediately—you might not know what you’re getting yourself into! In this article, you’ll learn about the types of USPS exams and how to beat the test and work at the US Postal Service.

The pre-employment exam you will have to take will be adjusted accordingly, depending on the available position.

While everyone can pass the USPS postal exam, preparing for the wrong one can be catastrophic, especially since there is a mandatory waiting period of one year if you fail to meet the minimum score.

This means that if you want to land that job at the USPS, you have to do it right the first time around and do well enough to stand out from the rest of the applicants. Why is this important? Each test-taker’s score that passes the USPS exam will be compared to each other.

By now, you should know what comes next: the higher your score, the better your chances of being hired. So, without further ado, let’s go through several tips that can help you beat the USPS postal exam and stand out from the rest so you can land that job with relative ease.

Look up what position you are applying for and understand its duties and responsibilities

For every USPS postal exam, including the 474, 475, 476, and 477 exams, you will be required to take a work scenarios test to see how well you can handle what the average employee in that position has to go through on a regular, if not daily, basis.

These scenarios will follow a multiple-choice format and a situational judgment test. You will be presented with a conflict, problem, misunderstanding, or even just a technical issue at work that you will have to solve in the best possible way.

This means that if you’re taking the USPS 474 mail carrier exam, you will have to go through several scenarios in the shoes of a USPS employee.

The same can be for the rest of the USPS exams: you will have to handle problems by mail handlers in the USPS 475 mail handler exam, clerks in the USPS 476 clerical exam, and associates in the USPS postal exam 477. Keep exploring types of USPS (United States Postal Service) Exams and tests to get a position or job.

While the questions and answers are close, they will not stray too far from the duties and expected responsibilities of the position you are applying for. This means you can look up their job descriptions and listings to see the extent of what is up to them.

Try to tailor your behavior to that of a USPS employee and be consistent!

If you are to take the USPS 474, 475, 476, or 477 postal exams. You will take two particular ‘behavioral assessments’.

These will come in the form of the ‘Describe Your Approach’ and ‘Tell us Your Story’ sections.

For the former, it is a personality test specifically tailored to the needs of a USPS employee. It complements the Work Scenarios section because any inconsistencies between your responses can be easily noted.

Possible Formats of USPS Exams Test to Work At US Postal Service

There are two possible formats that you can encounter, though all of them follow a survey-type exam. Keep exploring types of USPS (United States Postal Service) Exams and tests to get a position or job..=

  • You must agree or disagree with a statement (similar to a Likert Scale).
  • You have to pick which of the supplied statements apply/don’t apply to you the most.

The statements in this part of the USPS postal exam are hard. Or soft-coded to relate to a particular personality trait, such as hardworking, focused, sociable, and many others.

To tackle this effectively, you will have to produce a personality profile compatible with the position that you are applying for. For mail handlers/carriers, you need to show that you are careful with customers’ parcels/letters. For clerks, you will have to have good communication and social skills; and for associates. So, you will have to show a good mixture of them but with some good business/sales-related proficiencies.

You will ask about your work history in the ‘Tell Us Your Story’ section. Such as how long you worked at your last job and how many absences you had. So, an excellent idea to take the USPS exams test to work At US Postal service

Although they are lenient with such things. It should be up that the USPS is strict when it comes to inconsistencies. So, if they discover that you’ve lied about the nature of your termination. They will likely disqualify you on the spot under the reason that “if they can’t trust you now, then why should they risk it with more important things at the office?”

Prepare for their ability tests.

For the 475 and 476 postal exams, you will have to take an ability test. Moreover, this is the ‘Checking for Errors’ assessment.

In this section, you will provide a mini-database of sorts and then a series of questions. Such as whether certain rows containing important information such as names. In addition, addresses, reference numbers, phone numbers, and other things are an exact match or not.

Lastly, if you have to take the 477 postal exams, you will pass the ‘Work Your Register’ assessment.

USPS Exams Test to Work At US Postal Service Conclusion

Here, you can provide change with the least amount of bills and coins test. So if a customer’s change is five dollars. You expect to give them one five-dollar bill instead of five one-dollar bills, etc.

If you have any cash register experience, this will be a great plus. If not, practice using random amounts or through a USPS postal exam practice test. Those two exams can help tremendously, as this is usually in time. Even a single mistake can be costly.

Claudio Pires

Claudio Pires is the co-founder of Visualmodo, a renowned company in web development and design. With over 15 years of experience, Claudio has honed his skills in content creation, web development support, and senior web designer. A trilingual expert fluent in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, he brings a global perspective to his work. Beyond his professional endeavors, Claudio is an active YouTuber, sharing his insights and expertise with a broader audience. Based in Brazil, Claudio continues to push the boundaries of web design and digital content, making him a pivotal figure in the industry.