What You Need To Know Before Starting A Blog

If you want a blog to create content, or you are doing it to further your career, there are things you need to know before starting a blog

By Claudio Pires
Updated on July 25, 2022
What You Need To Know Before Starting A Blog

A lot of people start blogging. Some do it for fun, others because they can use it as a tool to expand their networking opportunities. But whether you are starting a blog to create entertaining content, or you are doing it to further your career, there are a few things you need to know before starting a blog.

What You Need To Know Before Starting A Blog

There are approximately over 600 million blogs in the world. Yours will be one among many. So, how do you create a blog that will stand out from the crowd and attract readers?

The importance of a good name

When starting a blog, you must know what you want to blog about. It sounds simple, right? Yet, it can sometimes be difficult to choose the right topic for your blog. This is essential for attracting readers. If your blog is about everything, it is about nothing. Additionally, if your blog looks like every other blog on the internet. Your blog is not very likely to stand out and you won’t have much traffic on your website. You need to decide on a topic for your blog, something you know you can write about. Something that interests you.

A great way to make this decision is by deciding on a name. The name of your blog is the first communicative tool you can use to tell potential readers. So, what your blog is about. Furthermore, deciding on a name can help you determine a topic and set the foundation for your blog. Start your blog off on the right foot with a good name that effectively communicates the content of your blog to visitors. By following this link. You’ll find a Name Generate that can generate a list of unique and fittable names, you can use as inspiration.  All you have to do is to submit some related keywords and then it starts generating.   

The difference between good and bad web design to know before starting A blog

Although the content of your blog is very important, the web design of your blog is equally important. Modern people are very sensitive to visual impressions. If the web design of your blog is amateurish and confusing. People simply won’t return to your blog, even if your writing is brilliant. By making an effort to improve the visual design of your blog, you will attract more readers and become more successful. Of course, not everyone has the skills to design a website on their own. But luckily you can hire others to do it for you. Find the perfect web design for your blog and give yourself the best chances to succeed.  

How to monetize your blog

Once you have a name, a topic, and a beautiful web design, you are ready to start blogging! However, you want to monetize your blog. But how do you do that? Well, it is quite simple: The more traffic you have on your website, the bigger your income. The secret to making money off blogging is therefore knowing how to attract a bigger audience to your blog. To begin with, you can make a little money through Google Adsense. This means Google can run ads from your website. However, when your blog has grown more popular, you can stop using Google Adsense and instead start working with an advertising network to make a bigger profit. 

Claudio Pires

Claudio Pires is the co-founder of Visualmodo, a renowned company in web development and design. With over 15 years of experience, Claudio has honed his skills in content creation, web development support, and senior web designer. A trilingual expert fluent in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, he brings a global perspective to his work. Beyond his professional endeavors, Claudio is an active YouTuber, sharing his insights and expertise with a broader audience. Based in Brazil, Claudio continues to push the boundaries of web design and digital content, making him a pivotal figure in the industry.