Free shipping is a great way to encourage customers to spend more. See a guide on how to enable and use WooCommerce free shipping on your WordPress website and the best methods and practices.
WooCommerce Free Shipping
WooCommerce has a free shipping feature built-in. That’s great! It’s much easier to configure it when it’s supported without needing a plugin. You need to go to the shipping zone to which you want to add your free shipping method. You’ll find it in WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping. Then you need to click on the Add shipping method button.
A new window will pop up. Then you will have to provide a Title. The title displays a shipping method in the cart and checkout.
Requirements for WooCommerce Free Shipping
The key feature in the WooCommerce Free shipping settings is the Free shipping requires… option. The free shipping method differs from other methods: Flat rate and Local pickup.
You can offer free shipping without any conditions. It will be offered to every customer in your store for every order. So if your pricing strategy allows for such a shipping method, feel free to configure it this way!
Coupons Free Shipping
The first option for WooCommerce free shipping is to generate a valid free shipping coupon. However, how to generate such a coupon for marketing purposes? Go to WooCommerce > Coupons > Add New and check the Allow Free Shipping checkbox:
Don’t you have a coupon feature in your store? Learn how to enable it and create WooCommerce coupons; we created a coupon here.
As you see, before I used the coupon, there was only one shipping method: Flat rate. The second one > Free shipping – appears only after successfully applying the coupon. You need more than one shipping method in your store if you offer the free shipping method with conditions. Unless you create another one, your customers won’t be able to place an order!
Free shipping is a great marketing solution for generating more sales. People often add more to the cart to get free shipping. Think about your costs and profits. Do you know when you can cover the shipping cost to be still profitable? Enter the amount in the Minimum order amount field and Save changes.
Order Amount
WooCommerce free shipping method offers something more: the hybrid solution. You can configure the method to apply when:
- The customer provides a coupon for free shipping, and their order is above some amount,
- A customer provides a coupon, or their order is above some amount.
From a marketing perspective, you can make more types of promotions. Sometimes it’s better to offer free shipping above some amount but only for customers with a coupon.
That coupon could be distributed exclusively via newsletter or social media. So it’s up to you 🙂 Configure the WooCommerce Free shipping method the way you need, the way it fits your store’s marketing vision.
Table Rate Addon
Default WooCommerce free shipping method is very simple, and it doesn’t support features like shipping classes or weight.
If you sell products in different sizes and weights, then the WooCommerce free shipping method probably doesn’t fit your needs. You should check out the table rate shipping method offered by the Flexible Shipping plugin. Look:
We created an article about what is table rate shipping. So feel free to read it if you want to know more about this topic! You don’t have to do it now. I’ll show you the Flexible Shipping configuration below.
The configuration is very easy, as you can see Download the Flexible Shipping plugin for free now
The key option for you is the Free Shipping and the Free Shipping Label. Then you can configure the amount over which the shipping method becomes free and what label should be added to the shipping method seen in the cart.
The free shipping activates for the second cart because the $92.00 amount of the order is more than $50.00 configured in Flexible Shipping. Do you see the Free! Label? It’s right after the shipping method name in the second cart.
Final Words
Free shipping in WooCommerce can provide your store with many benefits, such as customer loyalty, increased sales, and higher conversion rates. Free shipping also reduces cart abandonment. It may encourage customers to increase their order value to qualify for free shipping. finally, we hope we’ve helped you understand how to enable and use WooCommerce free shipping on your WordPress with this guide.