WordPress FAQ Plugins

The right WordPress FAQ or accordion plugins help customers find answers without contacting customer service, review a list with the best ones

By Claudio Pires
Updated on October 28, 2022
WordPress FAQ Plugins

The right WordPress FAQ or Accordion plugins can help customers find answers without contacting customer service. In this list, we review the best ones for your usage.

Why are FAQs so practical? If a user has a burning question they need to ask, they’re not the first (and won’t be the last) to ask it. As a business owner, you’re wasting your support team’s time. As is usually the case with smaller enterprises, your own time. Repeating the same boring answers to the same boring questions.

You can cut your support team some serious slack by compiling a list of the most commonly asked questions. You can quickly refer users to this list, or visitors may stumble upon it themselves, saving you the trouble of responding to an email altogether.

More importantly, asking a question and waiting for an answer delays the buying decision. During that time, the potential customer could go cold on the purchase. Especially if they’re making an impulse buy. Or it becomes a race against your competitor’s support team to see who can reply first and close the sale.

In other words, FAQs give customers everything they need to know right from the get-go, meaning less work for you and fewer additional conversions. What more could you ask for?

In this post, we’ll help you add FAQ sections to your website by introducing you to five of the best FAQ plugins for WordPress. There’s a mix of free and premium plugins, so there’s something for everyone, regardless of budget.

Best Plugins for WordPress FAQ Creation

WordPress FAQ plugin
WordPress FAQ plugin

WordPress FAQ plugin

Free WordPress FAQ Plugins Options

Accordion FAQ

FAQ WP Plugin free download

I needed a great Accordion FAQ plugin, and that’s it. With 50,000 active installations. Responsive Accordion is built with an excellent WordPress Accordion FAQ builder. You can add unlimited accordions and reduce in unlimited colors. You can quickly sort your accordion positions using the backend. Responsive Accordion is a built-in Bootstrap.

  • Firstly, responsive design
  • Secondly, the accordion is responsive and friendly to all mobile devices
  • Unlimited accordions anywhere in the theme
  • Drag and drop builder API integrated.
  • Draggable accordion items for easy sorting
  • Use via shortcode
  • Great accordion content input box
  • Unlimited color choices
  • Based on Bootstrap Framework
  • Reduce quick adjustments
  • Font Awesome Icon Support
  • Font Awesome Icon Picker Integration
  • Combining two different styles
  • Hide all accordions or show all on page load
  • Gulp Instant Workflow
  • Highly customized user experience
  • Smooth front-end and back-end UI
  • Add and remove accordion elements from the backend.
  • Several advanced custom fields are available
  • Finally, Compatible with all browsers

Ultimate FAQ – WordPress FAQ and Accordion Plugin

Ultimate FAQ – WordPress FAQ and toggle Plugin

Easily create FAQs and add them to every page on your website. The responsive accordion display blends seamlessly with any website and provides an excellent FAQ user experience on any device. The plugin includes Gutenberg blocks and shortcodes, so you can display your FAQs on any page, no matter what page editing system you use. The Ultimate FAQ Plugin have 40,000+ activate installations.

We’ve also included several patterns so you can integrate FAQs directly into your block-based designs. Ultimate FAQ is very user-friendly and consists of a guide that runs automatically when you activate the plugin, helping you create your first FAQ and set essential options!

The plugin contains full FAQPage and FAQSchema structured data markup in LD+JSON format. So when your page is indexed, Google knows it’s a FAQ page and can list it accordingly in search results.

Quick and Easy FAQs

Quick and Easy FAQs

This plugin provides a quick and easy way to add custom post-type FAQs and then display those FAQs using a Gutenberg block or shortcode. See the documentation below for details. Quick and Easy FAQs have 20,000+ active installations.

  • Finally, easily add FAQs with the FAQ custom post type.
  • Secondly, view FAQs in simple list style, accordion style, or toggle style.
  • View FAQs in groups.
  • Display FAQs in filterable groups.
  • View FAQs sorted by title or date.
  • Set up the page to adjust colors and other stuff.
  • Set custom CSS fields on the page to override the default styles.
  • Translation ready (with POT files and PO and MO translation files in some major languages)
  • RTL support (right to the left).
  • Finally, support for Visual Composer plugins

Easy Accordion – Best Accordion FAQ Plugin for WordPress

Easy Accordion – Best Accordion FAQ Plugin for WordPress

Easy Accordion is the best responsive and drag-and-drop accordion FAQ builder plugin for WordPress, with many customization options. It helps you quickly display multiple accordions on your website or blog without writing code.

We don’t think you should be a programmer or hire a developer to create a professional-looking accordion for your WordPress site. That’s why we created the Easy Accordion plugin, which is both simple and powerful.

Premium WordPress FAQ Plugins

Tribulent FAQ ($34)

Tribulent FAQ is a high-quality premium FAQ plugin. It has several cool features that make it a better option than the free plugins (provided you have $34 to spare).

For starters, the plugin lets visitors ask questions from the front end of your website (you can also decide whether a visitor must be registered before requesting). Each user submission then sits in the WordPress dashboard, waiting for you to approve it, then publish an answer. And when you hit publish, the asker will receive an email notification pointing to the solution.

Most of Tribulent FAQ’s best features are geared toward front-end users. For example, a handy search function lets visitors browse the depths of your FAQs. Visitors can search within a specific category (or site-wide), and the algorithm returns questions and answers relevant to the search query.

Tribulent’s FAQ sections are among the best you’ll find, too, with beautiful, sliding accordion effects. There’s a vast array of customization options, and you can add stylish social sharing buttons to your answers.

FAQPlus ($25)

If your main criteria for choosing an FAQ plugin is customization, look no further than FAQPlus. It lets you add FAQs just by pasting a shortcode, meaning you can display them anywhere on your website — including widget spaces.

As mentioned, FAQPlus is rich in styling options. There are 25 animation effects, multiple layouts, unlimited colors, and FontAwesome icons. You can also apply different stylings to each question within a single FAQ section.

The accordion-style FAQs boast a beautiful style.

You can also fill your WordPress FAQ sections with rich content, including images and videos. Try this if you want to make your answers easier to digest. Each question is compiled into an FAQ list, reordered using drag and drop, and then assigned a unique shortcode.

Make your FAQs more engaging with images and videos.

Visitors can trigger answers with a click or simply by hovering. Configure this setting to your liking. And, if you want to work your FAQ sections into some complex custom layouts, FAQPlus is fully compatible with CodeCanyon’s best-selling plugin, Visual Composer.

Honorable Mentions WordPress FAQ Plugins

HTML5 Responsive FAQ (FREE) Outdated

Next, we have the first of today’s completely free options: Ultimate Responsive FAQ. And, as the name implies, this plugin is mobile optimized, ensuring it looks great on smaller devices.

The plugin lets you create FAQ questions and answers as a custom post type. You then get to assign each question to one of your blog categories.

Adding the FAQ section to your site is super easy, too. Just copy and paste a simple shortcode, then add the categories you’d like to include. And, because you can assign a question to multiple categories, you can have the same ones popping up in various FAQ sections. Perfect for the popular questions that visitors ask repeatedly. Visitors then click on the questions they want to read, and the answers will open up like an accordion.

All styling options are housed on one convenient screen. You can choose the bullet colors, font size, and the gap between questions. For example, you can also select a header type for the question text. You may go with H3 tags.

Everything you need to design your FAQ section is available in one space.

Easy to set up, then, but what about the FAQ sections the plugin produces? Are they up to scratch? Fortunately, the answer is yes. They look great, especially when kitted out with your styling choices.

Arconix FAQ (FREE) Outdated

Arconix was another excellent free FAQ plugin, and, alongside HTML5 Responsive FAQ, it is the most popular in its category. The plugin is shortcode-driven, too, letting you add an FAQ section anywhere on your site with minimal fuss.

The plugin supports two types of FAQs: A jQuery toggle and an accordion box. You can also decide whether you want all answers displayed as default or the visitor has to click to access them.

Instead of assigning questions to categories, Arconix FAQ requires you to type in FAQ ‘groups’, which function like your typical WordPress tags. You can attach an unlimited number of these groups to each question, which means questions can appear in multiple FAQ lists. To configure your FAQ section, add which groups you want to display to the shortcode.

Styling options are thin on the ground on this one, but if you’re looking to build a purely functional FAQ section using a free plugin, you won’t find much better than Arconix FAQ.

Final Thoughts

WordPress FAQ pluginWordPress FAQ plugin

If you’re trying to build a successful website, an FAQ section could be the cog you’ve been missing. When you know your visitors’ information, your FAQs can bat away any buyer objections. Now nothing is stopping you from closing that sale.

A highly informative and well-designed WordPress FAQ section could generate a healthy return. Save you a ton of work. All the plugins featured today are easy to use and build great-looking FAQs. The only question you need to ask yourself is: Free or premium?

I think the premium is usually the better choice, provided you have the budget for it. Premium FAQ plugins typically come with better designs and more extensive customization options and support additional features. Most helpful, front-end visitor-submitted questions and answers. And, with prices under $40, just one or two other sales means the plugin has already paid for itself, not bad at all!

Claudio Pires

Claudio Pires is the co-founder of Visualmodo, a renowned company in web development and design. With over 15 years of experience, Claudio has honed his skills in content creation, web development support, and senior web designer. A trilingual expert fluent in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, he brings a global perspective to his work. Beyond his professional endeavors, Claudio is an active YouTuber, sharing his insights and expertise with a broader audience. Based in Brazil, Claudio continues to push the boundaries of web design and digital content, making him a pivotal figure in the industry.