Wow Classic 20th Anniversary Leveling Guide: Zones For Efficient Leveling 

Review our top leveling guide for efficient zones on classic Wow (World of Warcraft) 20th anniversary to celebrate

By Claudio Pires
Updated on December 17, 2024
Wow Classic 20th Anniversary Leveling Guide: Zones For Efficient Leveling 

On November 21, 2024, new World of Warcraft Classic servers were launched to celebrate the 20th anniversary of this legendary game. Review our top leveling guide for efficient zones on Wow (World of Warcraft) 20th anniversary. These servers take us back to the classic version of WoW, starting the journey from the very beginning of its history. Currently, not all familiar content is available in the game; raids, dungeons, and other high-level activities remain locked for now. The primary goal for players is to reach the maximum level to be ready for future challenges. However, for many, returning to the basics of leveling might prove challenging. The pace of progression and the difficulty of quests make the process demanding, especially for those accustomed to the simplified mechanics of modern gameplay. In this article, we’ll review the key leveling zones for those who prefer to level up independently, while others can take advantage of WoW Classic Anniversary boost services. After leveling up, players can participate in the Molten Core raid and Onyxia, starting December 12.

The main ways to level up

In zones for players who are learning the game for the first time or remember the game after a long absence, there are two effective methods of leveling up: questing and grinding.

Questing is the fulfillment of tasks that offer different objectives: killing monsters, collecting items, delivering messages, and much more. This method provides a steady stream of experience, familiarizes the player with the game’s world and story, and allows them to earn gold and equipment.

Grinding, on the other hand, is based on the mass destruction of monsters to gain experience. This approach is especially effective in areas with high creature respawns, where the player can stay for long periods without wasting time moving around. Grinding requires less training and allows you to focus on increasing experience, but it quickly becomes monotonous and tedious.

Wow Leveling Guide: Path

Level 0-10: Starting Zones

When you start leveling your character in World of Warcraft from level 0 to level 10, your starting zone will depend on your chosen race and faction. If you play as a human, you will begin your journey in Elwynn Forest, Night Elves start in the magical zone of Teldrassil, and Dwarves and Gnomes seek adventure in the snowy mountains of Dun Morogh.

All of these races belong to the Alliance. As for the horde, Orcs and trolls start their journey in the hot desert zone of Durotar, Tauren explores the plains of Mulgore, and the undead awaken in the gloomy lands of Tirisfal Glades. At this stage of the game, the key is to complete all available quests in the zone to effectively level up to 10 and fully explore the character’s features. This will not only help you get up to the mechanics of the game but will also introduce you to the history of your race.

Wow Leveling Guide: Level 10 -20


When leveling up an Alliance character at this stage, the player should visit the following zones: Westfall, Loch Modan, and Darkshore. Most of the tasks in Westfall you can take on Sentinel Hill, Loch Modan in Thelsamar, Darkshore – in Auberdine. Locations have points with a huge number of mobs, as well as a low probability of getting into PvP because these areas belong to the Alliance. Dungeons are only available in the first zone.


The Horde is less lucky at this stage because they have only 2 zones for leveling. Each also has its features:

Barrens: an experience-rich zone in Central Kalimdor. Most of the quests are in Far Watch Post, Ratchet, Crossroads, and Camp Taurajo. There are a large number of dungeons, but in this level range, only the Caves of Wailing will be available to the player.

Silverpine Forest: an area in the northern part of the Eastern Kingdoms. Most of the quests are up in the Sepulcher. Mobs are evenly present. There are no dungeons available in this level range. They are unlocked from 22.

Levels 20-30 (Disputed zones) Wow Leveling Guide

At this stage of character leveling, players enter zones accessible to both the Alliance and the Horde, increasing the likelihood of ambushes. The following zones fall within this range:

Redridge Mountains

 Located in the heart of the Eastern Kingdoms, this zone features high mob density in their respective habitats. Most quests can be obtained in LakeShire.

Stonetalon Mountains

This zone is situated in central Kalimdor. Alliance players will find most of their quests in Stonetalon Peak, while Horde players can gather their tasks in Sun Rock Retreat. Movement is largely under restriction to roads due to the mountainous terrain covering much of the zone, heightening the risk of encounters. Note that this location does not have any dungeons.


A popular PvP hotspot, making it advisable to play in groups. Alliance quests are mainly found in Astranaar, while Horde quests are concentrated in Splintertree Post and Zoram’gar Outpost. Players can also participate in the Blackfathom Deeps dungeon starting at level 24.

Wow Leveling Guide: Levels 30-40

As with the previous range, this level bracket features zones accessible to both factions. They can be under call high-level zones, but PvP in most of them does not happen very often.


This region is dominated by brutal, almost lifeless nature, with rare plants and hostile creatures. Alliance players will find most of their quests at Nijel’s Point. While the Horde operates from two main locations: Kodo Graveyard and Shadowprey Village.

Arathi Highlands

Surrounded by mountains, this zone is mostly flat, with numerous aggressive mobs and elite enemies near Stromgarde Keep. Alliance quests are based in Refuge Point, while Horde players will gather theirs in Hammerfall. Keep reading for best leveling guide for efficient zones on classic Wow (World of Warcraft) 20th anniversary to celebrate.

Stranglethorn Vale

Situated in the southern Eastern Kingdoms. This zone is under design for mid-level players (30-45) and offers a wide range of quests and leveling opportunities. A key feature of the region is Booty Bay. A harbor at the southern tip populated by pirate factions and goblins of the Trade Company.

Level 40 – 60

The final part of our journey. Here, players level up their character to the maximum level and prepare to conquer various end-game content. The stage includes 3 popular zones.


One of the zones offering the most quests, Feralas is located in western Kalimdor and is accessible to both factions. Horde players can pick up quests at Camp Mojache, while Alliance players will find theirs in Feathermoon Stronghold.

Searing Gorge

An ideal zone for leveling between 47-55, its small size makes questing efficient. With many tasks located close to one another. Keep exploring to discover leveling guide for efficient zones on classic Wow (World of Warcraft) 20th anniversary to celebrate. Both Alliance and Horde players can pick up quests at Thorium Point, the shared quest hub.

Western Plaguelands

A grim and plague-ridden zone in the northern Eastern Kingdoms, this area is suited for players between levels 50-58. Once a fertile land, it has been overtaken by the Plague, leaving it littered with graves and ruined settlements. While mob density is high, most are located far from the main road, making it relatively safe. Alliance players can get quests at Chillwind Camp, while Horde players will find theirs at The Bulwark.

Important Note

This article does not cover all the zones available for leveling. Instead, the focus is on the most popular and efficient ones. These locations are frequently chosen by players for their fast and convenient progression.

World of Warcraft Classic Tutorial Conclusion

Leveling up in World of Warcraft Classic is not just a game mechanic but a vital part of an epic journey through Azeroth, brimming with adventures and stories. Each leveling zone offers unique challenges, helping you immerse yourself in the world and develop your character. Despite its challenges, this process provides not only experience but also genuine enjoyment from engaging with the game.

For players who wish to expedite their journey or avoid the lengthy grind, WoW Classic Fresh boost is a great option. Experienced boosters deliver results quickly without requiring access to your personal information. WoW Classic Fresh boosting services offer professional assistance with leveling, completing challenging quests, or reaching high levels, allowing you to focus on other aspects of the game, such as raids and social interactions.

Claudio Pires

Claudio Pires is the co-founder of Visualmodo, a renowned company in web development and design. With over 15 years of experience, Claudio has honed his skills in content creation, web development support, and senior web designer. A trilingual expert fluent in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, he brings a global perspective to his work. Beyond his professional endeavors, Claudio is an active YouTuber, sharing his insights and expertise with a broader audience. Based in Brazil, Claudio continues to push the boundaries of web design and digital content, making him a pivotal figure in the industry.